1. Create new role "EC2RoleforSSM" in AWS IAM

AWS->IAM->Roles->Create role->Select EC2, EC2 Role for Simple Systems Manager->AmazonEC2RoleforSSM->Role Name "EC2RoleforSSM"->Create Role

2. Create a new document "join_domain_doc" in AWS System Manager Shared Resources

AWS->EC2->System Manager Shared Resources->Documents->Create Document name "join_domain_doc"

"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"description": "Join an instance to a domain",
"runtimeConfig": {
"aws:domainJoin": {
"properties": {
"directoryId": "d-8267xxxxxx",
"directoryName": "ad.domain.com",
"dnsIpAddresses": [

3. Create a new Windows EC2 instance and Attach role "EC2RoleforSSM"

AWS->EC2->Launch Instance->Select Windows 2016 base AMI->Instance Type->Storage->Network->SG->Launch

AWS->EC2->Select new EC2->Action->Attach role "EC2RoleforSSM"

4. Run a Command to the new Windows EC2 instance in AWS System Manager Services 

AWS->System Manager Services->Run a Command->Owned By me document->Select "join_domain_doc"->Select Instances->Run





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