Problem Description
  Let f(x) = anxn +...+ a1x +a0, in which ai (0 <= i <= n) are all known integers. We call f(x) 0 (mod m) congruence equation. If m is a composite, we can factor m into powers of primes and solve every such single equation after which we merge them using the Chinese Reminder Theorem. In this problem, you are asked to solve a much simpler version of such equations, with m to be prime's square.
  The first line is the number of equations T, T<=50.
  Then comes T lines, each line starts with an integer deg (1<=deg<=4), meaning that f(x)'s degree is deg. Then follows deg integers, representing an to a0 (0 < abs(an) <= 100; abs(ai) <= 10000 when deg >= 3, otherwise abs(ai) <= 100000000, i<n). The last integer is prime pri (pri<=10000). 
  Remember, your task is to solve f(x) 0 (mod pri*pri)
  For each equation f(x) 0 (mod pri*pri), first output the case number, then output anyone of x if there are many x fitting the equation, else output "No solution!"
题目大意:给你一个最高4次幂的多项式,求一个x,满足f(x) mod phi² = 0。
思路:先枚举x = [0, phi),如果f(x) mod phi = 0,再枚举x2 = x,每次加phi,直到f(x) mod phi² = 0,输出结果。找不到输出No solution。
PS:我也不知道为什么是对的我看别人说是这么做的……我数论知识很少……我只知道要满足f(x) mod phi² = 0就要先满足f(x) mod phi = 0……
  1. #include <cstdio>
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. #include <cstring>
  4. #include <queue>
  5. using namespace std;
  6. typedef long long LL;
  8. const int MAXN = ;
  10. int T, deg;
  11. LL phi;
  12. LL a[MAXN];
  14. LL f(LL x, LL m) {
  15. LL ret = , xx = ;
  16. for(int i = ; i <= deg; ++i) {
  17. ret = (ret + a[i] * xx) % m;
  18. xx = (xx * x) % m;
  19. }
  20. return ret;
  21. }
  23. LL ans, ret;
  24. int t;
  26. void solve() {
  27. for(ans = ; ans < phi; ++ans) {
  28. if(f(ans, phi) == ) {
  29. for(ret = ans; ret <= phi * phi; ret += phi)
  30. if(f(ret, phi * phi) == ) {
  31. printf("Case #%d: %d\n", t, (int)ret);
  32. return ;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }
  36. printf("Case #%d: No solution!\n", t);
  37. }
  39. int main() {
  40. cin>>T;
  41. for(t = ; t <= T; ++t) {
  42. cin>>deg;
  43. for(int i = deg; i >= ; --i) cin>>a[i];
  44. cin>>phi;
  45. solve();
  46. }
  47. }

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