
 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int N=;
int n;
int in[N];
int main()
while (cin>>n)
for (int i=;i<*n;i++)
if (in[n]>in[n-])
} return ;

codeforces 845A Chess Tourney的更多相关文章

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    题目: 题意:输入一个整数n,接着输入2*n个数字,代表2*n个选手的实力.    实力值大的选手可以赢实力值小的选手,实力值相同则都有可能赢.    叫你把这2*n个选手分成2个有n个选手的队伍. ...

  2. Codeforces 845 A. Chess Tourney 思路:简单逻辑题

    题目: 题意:输入一个整数n,接着输入2*n个数字,代表2*n个选手的实力.    实力值大的选手可以赢实力值小的选手,实力值相同则都有可能赢.    叫你把这2*n个选手分成2个有n个选手的队伍. ...

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  5. codeforces 985A Chess Placing

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  6. Educational Codeforces Round 27 补题

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  7. http://codeforces.com/contest/845

    A. Chess Tourney time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard inp ...

  8. Educational Codeforces Round 27 A B C

    A. Chess Tourney   Berland annual chess tournament is coming! Organizers have gathered 2·n chess pla ...

  9. CF-845A

    A. Chess Tourney time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard inp ...


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