Intelligent Poetry
Creat poems.
- import re
- import random
- from collections import Counter
- def Creat_Poem(number):
- w=random.sample(poem,number)
- for i in range(number//4):
- print(w[i],end='')
- print(',',end='')
- for i in range(number//4,number//2):
- print(w[i],end='')
- print('。')
- for i in range(number//2,number//4*3):
- print(w[i],end='')
- print(',',end='')
- for i in range(number//4*3,number):
- print(w[i],end='')
- print('。')
- return
- dic=[]
- data=open('tangshi.txt','r')
- for i in data.readlines():
- dic.append(i.strip().replace(':','').replace(',','').replace('。','').replace('?','').replace('!','').replace('[','').replace(']',''))
- word=''.join(dic)
- word_str=re.sub(r"(?<=\w)","",word)
- word_list= list(word_str)
- a= [i for i in word_list if not str(i).isdigit()]
- s =Counter(a).most_common(300)
- poem=[]
- for i in s:
- poem.append(i[0])
- number=int(input('Merciful Sir,\n\tPlease input the Number of Words:\n\t'))
- print()
- Creat_Poem(number)
Intelligent Poetry
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