April 2 2017 Week 14 Sunday
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Maybe I am going to have to do a lot more work on the project before it is presentable.
A lot of people can finish their work effortlessly, but it is so stiff for me to abtain what I desperately expect, even one time is enough.
I always feel I couldn't get my breath and I had to be pushed forward by someone, obviously no one expect my family would do that, and I often made them disappointed, so I have to show my positive attitude to them, and I have to use self-motivation to walk on the tough road.
Maybe I do it wrong, so I think even I only live once, that is enough, I can't withstand so miserable and so hopeless life any longer.
Don't always walk downwards in your life road, my parents told me.
Can I walk out of the downhill road and walk upwards?
Can I get rid of such feelings?
It is like a domino effect, which makes it's very hard to find the motivation and energy to get anything and I find my life spiraling downward and I feel so powerless to stop it.
God, can you help me?
Respect other people's feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them.
Several days ago, I heard a saying like this: Be kind. Everyone you meet may fight a battle you don't know.
Respect other's feelings, try to understand their thoughts and their behaviours.
Don't look down upon anyone, don't mock up them, don't deprive their hopes and things they cherish.
For me, maybe what I only have is hope, but now, it seems this only thing may be deprived by the God.
Why you treat me so brutally? Why you treat me so curelly?
Can you show me your kindness to me, even a little bit?
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