#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std; class String
int size;
char *ptr;
String():size(0),ptr(new char('\0'))
{ cout << "default\n"; } String(const String &s):size(s.size)
cout << "1 param constructor\n";
ptr = new char[size + 1];
} //my code
String(char *s)
cout << "2 param constructor\n";
ptr = new char[strlen(s) + 1];
} ~String()
delete []ptr;
} friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &,const String & );
String& operator=(const String &s);
}; //c++ primer第四版中文,435页
//14.2.1 输出操作符的重载:为了与io标准库一直,操作符应接受ostream&作为第一个参数,对类类型const对象的引用作为第2个参数,并返回对ostream形参的引用。
/*friend*/ ostream& operator<<(ostream & os,const String &s) //这里的friend去掉了!就像类内的static在外面定义时要去掉一样。
//不去掉的话会报错 error: ‘friend’ used outside of class
return (os << s.ptr);
} String& String::operator=(const String &s)
cout << "operator=\n";
if(this != &s)
delete []ptr;
ptr = new char[strlen(s.ptr) + 1];
return *this;
} int main()
String s1 = "hello world";
String s2 = s1;
s2 = s1; cout << s1 <<endl;
cout << s2 <<endl; return 0;
} /work/ctest/public_private$ ./1
2 param constructor
1 param constructor
hello world
hello world

/work/ctest/public_private$ ./1
2 param constructor
1 param constructor
hello world
hello world


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std; class String
int size;
char *ptr; public:
String():size(0),ptr(new char('\0'))
{ cout << "default\n"; } String(const String &s):size(s.size)
cout << "1 param constructor\n";
ptr = new char[size + 1];
} ~String()
delete []ptr;
} friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &,const String & );
String& operator=(const char *s);
}; ostream& operator << (ostream & os,const String &s)
return (os << s.ptr);
} String& String::operator=(const char *s)
cout << "operator=\n";
//if(this != &s)//这一行代码要注释掉,不然会 error: comparison between distinct pointer types ‘String*’ and ‘const char**’ lacks a cast
delete []ptr;
ptr = new char[strlen(s) + 1];
return *this;
} int main()
String s1 ;
s1 = "Hello World"; cout << s1 <<endl; return 0;

/work/ctest/public_private$ ./1
Hello World

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