I hope I can find the one who is afraid of losing me.


When I was young, sometimes I threatened my parents that I would commit suicide if they kept on blaming me for my misdeeds.

Now I grow up into an adult, I realize that I rally had done some ridiculous things that may destroy my whole life.

Some of my past improper behavious have lasting effects on my life, even I had maken great efforts to get rid of the influence of them, it seems it made no sence, there is nearly no change in my days.

Maybe the first thing I should do is to stop those actions that may hurt the ones who love me.

News: Micsoft has pledged to invest more on cloud computing, its short-term goal is to shorten the gaps compared to its main rival, Amazon.

Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.


From Emile Coue.

Some people are getting better and better every day in every way.

However, some, like me, are getter worse and worse in every way.

Actually, getting better or getting worse, mostly depends on what we are doing today.

Recently, I applied for some new position, and luckily, I got several chances of interview, like Tencent, DJI, and a lot of famous companies.

And the most terrible experiences may be in Tencent and DJI, because I hadn't prepared for the interview, some questions, very simple, but I still failed to give a good answer, the technical interviewee was very skepitcal about my experience as a programmer.

Very disappointed about myself. I really have wasted several years of my life, and it seems I have accustomed to the curren lazy style of life.

Maybe this time can be a change, a new surrounding, a new group of colleagues, and a new mission, can make me refresh myself and abtain a new accomplishment.

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