This question used to spend my half a day, and this time again, half a day. Here I write it down in case that somebody encounter the same problem as I do.

LyX is good for handling LaTeX. When using figures in LyX, it's better to have thumbnails in LyX. However in my computer, where I use a portable LyX with MikTeX package, the processor fails, where shows "Error converting to loadable format".

Several questions have been raised regarding this problem, refer to :

  1. lyx “error converting to loadable format”
  2. Lyx, Error Converting to Loadable Format for PDFs
  3. How LyX handles figures

However, all the above solutions failed for my case. I nearly gave up. However I continued and finally succeeded. Steps are stated as follows:

  1. Install a LyX distribution, named as "LyX-232-2-Installer-10.exe", and it works well;
  2. Change the installation path(Originally being D:\Lyx 2.3) into D:\Lyx 2.30, however it fails;
  3. I searched through all the files underneath D:\Lyx 2.3 for keywords D:\Lyx 2.3, and changed them into D:\Lyx 2.30, well, it didn't work.
  4. I searched thought the registry for the same keyword, not work.
  5. Revert the folder into D:\Lyx 2.3, and a copy of the folder in somewhere else (actually, not the copy of this installation, but the old one I used to working on);
  6. Rename the subfolders one by one, and test whether the copy works well;
  7. Finally, I found the problem was raised by the Magick, what a sad thing.
  8. There is another distribution of magick available the whole computer (e.g. in the global environment), and I delete the one underneath LyX. Well done.

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