This is a list of all Intel Ivy Bridge Microarchitecture performance counter event types. Please see Intel Architecture Developer's Manual Volume 3B, Appendix A and Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001).



Counters usable

Unit mask options


Clock cycles when not halted




Unhalted reference cycles


0x01: No unit mask 


number of instructions retired




Last level cache demand requests from this core that missed the LLC


0x41: No unit mask 


Last level cache demand requests from this core


0x4f: No unit mask 


number of branch instructions retired




number of mispredicted branches retired (precise)




Blocked loads


0x02: (name=store_forward) loads blocked by overlapping with store buffer that cannot be forwarded 


Misaligned memory references


0x01: (name=loads) Speculative cache line split load uops dispatched to L1 cache 

0x02: (name=stores) Speculative cache line split STA uops dispatched to L1 cache 


Partial loads


0x01: (name=address_alias) False dependencies in MOB due to partial compare on address 


D-TLB misses


0x81: (name=demand_ld_miss_causes_a_walk) Demand load Miss in all translation lookaside buffer (TLB) levels causes an page walk of any page size. 

0x82: (name=demand_ld_walk_completed) Demand load Miss in all translation lookaside buffer (TLB) levels causes a page walk that completes of any page size. 

0x84: (name=demand_ld_walk_duration) Demand load cycles page miss handler (PMH) is busy with this walk. 


Instruction decoder events


0x03: (name=recovery_cycles) Number of cycles waiting for the checkpoints in Resource Allocation Table (RAT) to be recovered after Nuke due to all other cases except JEClear (e.g. whenever a ucode assist is needed like SSE exception, memory disambiguation, etc...) 

0x03: (name=recovery_stalls_count) Number of occurences waiting for the checkpoints in Resource Allocation Table (RAT) to be recovered after Nuke due to all other cases except JEClear (e.g. whenever a ucode assist is needed like SSE exception, memory disambiguation, etc...) 


Uops issued


0x01: (name=any) Uops that Resource Allocation Table (RAT) issues to Reservation Station (RS) 

0x01: (name=stall_cycles) Cycles when Resource Allocation Table (RAT) does not issue Uops to Reservation Station (RS) for the thread 

0x01: (name=core_stall_cycles) Cycles when Resource Allocation Table (RAT) does not issue Uops to Reservation Station (RS) for all threads 

0x10: (name=flags_merge) Number of flags-merge uops being allocated. 

0x20: (name=slow_lea) Number of slow LEA uops being allocated. A uop is generally considered SlowLea if it has 3 sources (e.g. 2 sources + immediate) regardless if as a result of LEA instruction or not. 

0x40: (name=single_mul) Number of Multiply packed/scalar single precision uops allocated 




0x01: (name=fpu_div_active) Cycles when divider is busy executing divide operations 

0x04: (name=fpu_div) Divide operations executed 


L2 cache requests


0x01: (name=demand_data_rd_hit) Demand Data Read requests that hit L2 cache 

0x03: (name=all_demand_data_rd) Demand Data Read requests 

0x04: (name=rfo_hit) RFO requests that hit L2 cache 

0x08: (name=rfo_miss) RFO requests that miss L2 cache 

0x0c: (name=all_rfo) RFO requests to L2 cache 

0x10: (name=code_rd_hit) L2 cache hits when fetching instructions, code reads. 

0x20: (name=code_rd_miss) L2 cache misses when fetching instructions 

0x30: (name=all_code_rd) L2 code requests 

0x40: (name=pf_hit) Requests from the L2 hardware prefetchers that hit L2 cache 

0x80: (name=pf_miss) Requests from the L2 hardware prefetchers that miss L2 cache 

0xc0: (name=all_pf) Requests from L2 hardware prefetchers 


L2 cache store lock requests


0x01: (name=miss) RFOs that miss cache lines 

0x08: (name=hit_m) RFOs that hit cache lines in M state 

0x0f: (name=all) RFOs that access cache lines in any state 


writebacks from L1D to the L2 cache


0x01: (name=miss) Count the number of modified Lines evicted from L1 and missed L2. (Non-rejected WBs from the DCU.) 

0x04: (name=hit_e) Not rejected writebacks from L1D to L2 cache lines in E state 

0x08: (name=hit_m) Not rejected writebacks from L1D to L2 cache lines in M state 

0x01: (name=pending) L1D miss oustandings duration in cycles 

0x01: (name=pending_cycles) Cycles with L1D load Misses outstanding. 

0x01: (name=occurences) This event counts the number of L1D misses outstanding, using an edge detect to count transitions. 


Store misses in all DTLB levels that cause page walks


0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Store misses in all DTLB levels that cause page walks 

0x02: (name=walk_completed) Store misses in all DTLB levels that cause completed page walks 

0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles when PMH is busy with page walks 

0x10: (name=stlb_hit) Store operations that miss the first TLB level but hit the second and do not cause page walks 


Load dispatches that hit fill buffer


0x01: (name=sw_pf) Not software-prefetch load dispatches that hit forward buffer allocated for software prefetch 

0x02: (name=hw_pf) Not software-prefetch load dispatches that hit forward buffer allocated for hardware prefetch 


L1D data line replacements


0x01: (name=replacement) L1D data line replacements 


Integer move elimination


0x01: (name=int_not_eliminated) Number of integer Move Elimination candidate uops that were not eliminated. 

0x02: (name=simd_not_eliminated) Number of SIMD Move Elimination candidate uops that were not eliminated. 

0x04: (name=int_eliminated) Number of integer Move Elimination candidate uops that were eliminated. 

0x08: (name=simd_eliminated) Number of SIMD Move Elimination candidate uops that were eliminated. 


Unhalted core cycles qualified by ring


0x01: (name=ring0) Unhalted core cycles when the thread is in ring 0 

0x01: (name=ring0_trans) Number of intervals between processor halts while thread is in ring 0 

0x02: (name=ring123) Unhalted core cycles when thread is in rings 1, 2, or 3 


Reservation station


0x01: (name=empty_cycles) Cycles when Reservation Station (RS) is empty for the thread 


TLB access


0x04: (name=load_stlb_hit) Load operations that miss the first DTLB level but hit the second and do not cause page walks 


Offcore outstanding transactions


0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Offcore outstanding Demand Data Read transactions in uncore queue. 

0x01: (name=cycles_with_demand_data_rd) Cycles when offcore outstanding Demand Data Read transactions are present in SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore 

0x02: (name=demand_code_rd) Offcore outstanding code reads transactions in SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle 

0x04: (name=demand_rfo) Offcore outstanding RFO store transactions in SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore 

0x04: (name=cycles_with_demand_rfo) Offcore outstanding demand rfo reads transactions in SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle 

0x08: (name=all_data_rd) Offcore outstanding cacheable Core Data Read transactions in SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore 

0x08: (name=cycles_with_data_rd) Cycles when offcore outstanding cacheable Core Data Read transactions are present in SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore 


Locked cycles


0x01: (name=split_lock_uc_lock_duration) Cycles when L1 and L2 are locked due to UC or split lock 

0x02: (name=cache_lock_duration) Cycles when L1D is locked 


Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ)


0x02: (name=empty) Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) empty cycles 

0x04: (name=mite_uops) Uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from MITE path 

0x04: (name=mite_cycles) Cycles when uops are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from MITE path 

0x08: (name=dsb_uops) Uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path 

0x08: (name=dsb_cycles) Cycles when uops are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path 

0x10: (name=ms_dsb_uops) Uops initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) that are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while Microcode Sequenser (MS) is busy 

0x10: (name=ms_dsb_cycles) Cycles when uops initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while Microcode Sequenser (MS) is busy 

0x10: (name=ms_dsb_occur) Deliveries to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) while Microcode Sequenser (MS) is busy 

0x18: (name=all_dsb_cycles_any_uops) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is delivering any Uop 

0x18: (name=all_dsb_cycles_4_uops) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is delivering 4 Uops 

0x20: (name=ms_mite_uops) Uops initiated by MITE and delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while Microcode Sequenser (MS) is busy 

0x24: (name=all_mite_cycles_any_uops) Cycles MITE is delivering any Uop 

0x24: (name=all_mite_cycles_4_uops) Cycles MITE is delivering 4 Uops 

0x30: (name=ms_uops) Uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while Microcode Sequenser (MS) is busy 

0x30: (name=ms_cycles) Cycles when uops are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while Microcode Sequenser (MS) is busy 

0x3c: (name=mite_all_uops) Uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from MITE path 


Instruction cache


0x02: (name=misses) Instruction cache, streaming buffer and victim cache misses 


Misses at all ITLB levels that cause page walks


0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Misses at all ITLB levels that cause page walks 

0x02: (name=walk_completed) Misses in all ITLB levels that cause completed page walks 

0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles when PMH is busy with page walks 

0x10: (name=stlb_hit) Operations that miss the first ITLB level but hit the second and do not cause any page walks 


Stalls caused by changing prefix length of the instruction.


0x01: (name=lcp) Stalls caused by changing prefix length of the instruction. 

0x04: (name=iq_full) Stall cycles because IQ is full 


Branch instructions


0x41: (name=nontaken_conditional) Not taken macro-conditional branches 

0x81: (name=taken_conditional) Taken speculative and retired macro-conditional branches 

0x82: (name=taken_direct_jump) Taken speculative and retired macro-conditional branch instructions excluding calls and indirects 

0x84: (name=taken_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) Taken speculative and retired indirect branches excluding calls and returns 

0x88: (name=taken_indirect_near_return) Taken speculative and retired indirect branches with return mnemonic 

0x90: (name=taken_direct_near_call) Taken speculative and retired direct near calls 

0xa0: (name=taken_indirect_near_call) Taken speculative and retired indirect calls 

0xc1: (name=all_conditional) Speculative and retired macro-conditional branches 

0xc2: (name=all_direct_jmp) Speculative and retired macro-unconditional branches excluding calls and indirects 

0xc4: (name=all_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) Speculative and retired indirect branches excluding calls and returns 

0xc8: (name=all_indirect_near_return) Speculative and retired indirect return branches. 

0xd0: (name=all_direct_near_call) Speculative and retired direct near calls 

0xff: (name=all_branches) Speculative and retired branches 


Mispredicted branch instructions


0x41: (name=nontaken_conditional) Not taken speculative and retired mispredicted macro conditional branches 

0x81: (name=taken_conditional) Taken speculative and retired mispredicted macro conditional branches 

0x84: (name=taken_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) Taken speculative and retired mispredicted indirect branches excluding calls and returns 

0x88: (name=taken_return_near) Taken speculative and retired mispredicted indirect branches with return mnemonic 

0xa0: (name=taken_indirect_near_call) Taken speculative and retired mispredicted indirect calls 

0xc1: (name=all_conditional) Speculative and retired mispredicted macro conditional branches 

0xc4: (name=all_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) Mispredicted indirect branches excluding calls and returns 

0xff: (name=all_branches) Speculative and retired mispredicted macro conditional branches 


Uops not delivered by the Frontend to the Backend of the machine, while there is no Backend stall


0x01: (name=core) Uops not delivered by the Frontend to the Backend of the machine, while there is no Backend stall 

0x01: (name=cycles_le_3_uop_deliv.core) Cycles with 3 or less uops delivered by the Frontend to the Backend of the machine, while there is no Backend stall 

0x01: (name=cycles_fe_was_ok) Cycles with 4 uops delivered by the Frontend to the Backend of the machine, or the Backend was stalling 

0x01: (name=cycles_le_2_uop_deliv.core) Cycles with 2 or less uops delivered by the Frontend to the Backend of the machine, while there is no Backend stall 

0x01: (name=cycles_le_1_uop_deliv.core) Cycles with 1 or less uops delivered by the Frontend to the Backend of the machine, while there is no Backend stall 

0x01: (name=cycles_0_uops_deliv.core) Cycles with no uops delivered by the Frontend to the Backend of the machine, while there is no Backend stall 


Cycles per thread when uops are dispatched to port


0x01: (name=port_0) Cycles per thread when uops are dispatched to port 0 

0x01: (name=port_0_core) Cycles per core when uops are dispatched to port 0 

0x02: (name=port_1) Cycles per thread when uops are dispatched to port 1 

0x02: (name=port_1_core) Cycles per core when uops are dispatched to port 1 

0x0c: (name=port_2) Cycles per thread when load or STA uops are dispatched to port 2 

0x0c: (name=port_2_core) Cycles per core when load or STA uops are dispatched to port 2 

0x30: (name=port_3) Cycles per thread when load or STA uops are dispatched to port 3 

0x30: (name=port_3_core) Cycles per core when load or STA uops are dispatched to port 3 

0x40: (name=port_4) Cycles per thread when uops are dispatched to port 4 

0x40: (name=port_4_core) Cycles per core when uops are dispatched to port 4 

0x80: (name=port_5) Cycles per thread when uops are dispatched to port 5 

0x80: (name=port_5_core) Cycles per core when uops are dispatched to port 5 


Resource-related stall cycles


0x01: (name=any) Resource-related stall cycles 

0x04: (name=rs) Cycles stalled due to no eligible RS entry available. 

0x08: (name=sb) Cycles stalled due to no store buffers available. (not including draining form sync). 

0x01: (name=cycles_l2_pending) Cycles with pending L2 cache miss loads. 

0x02: (name=cycles_ldm_pending) Cycles with pending memory loads. 

0x04: (name=cycles_no_execute) Total execution stalls 

0x05: (name=stalls_l2_pending) Execution stalls due to L2 cache misses. 

0x06: (name=stalls_ldm_pending) Execution stalls due to memory subsystem. 

0x08: (name=cycles_l1d_pending) Cycles with pending L1 cache miss loads. 

0x0c: (name=stalls_l1d_pending) Execution stalls due to L1 data cache misses 


Decode Stream Buffer (DSB)-to-MITE switches


0x01: (name=count) Decode Stream Buffer (DSB)-to-MITE switches 


Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) fill


0x08: (name=exceed_dsb_lines) Cycles when Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) fill encounter more than 3 Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) lines 


Instruction TLB (ITLB)


0x01: (name=itlb_flush) Flushing of the Instruction TLB (ITLB) pages, includes 4k/2M/4M pages. 


Uncore requests


0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Demand Data Read requests sent to uncore 

0x02: (name=demand_code_rd) Cacheable and noncachaeble code read requests 

0x04: (name=demand_rfo) Demand RFO requests including regular RFOs, locks, ItoM 

0x08: (name=all_data_rd) Demand and prefetch data reads 


Uops executed


0x01: (name=thread) Counts the number of uops to be executed per-thread each cycle. 

0x01: (name=cycles_ge_1_uop_exec) Cycles where at least 1 uop was executed per-thread 

0x01: (name=stall_cycles) Counts number of cycles no uops were dispatched to be executed on this thread. 

0x01: (name=cycles_ge_2_uops_exec) Cycles where at least 2 uops were executed per-thread 

0x01: (name=cycles_ge_3_uops_exec) Cycles where at least 3 uops were executed per-thread 

0x01: (name=cycles_ge_4_uops_exec) Cycles where at least 4 uops were executed per-thread 

0x02: (name=core) Number of uops executed on the core. 


DTLB flushes


0x01: (name=dtlb_thread) DTLB flush attempts of the thread-specific entries 

0x20: (name=stlb_any) STLB flush attempts 


Microcode assists.


0x08: (name=avx_store) Number of AVX memory assist for stores. AVX microcode assist is being invoked whenever the hardware is unable to properly handle AVX-256b operations. 

0x10: (name=avx_to_sse) Number of transitions from AVX-256 to legacy SSE when penalty applicable. 

0x20: (name=sse_to_avx) Number of transitions from SSE to AVX-256 when penalty applicable. 


Retired uops.


0x01: (name=all) Actually retired uops. 

0x01: (name=stall_cycles) Cycles without actually retired uops. 

0x01: (name=core_stall_cycles) Cycles without actually retired uops. 

0x01: (name=total_cycles) Cycles with less than 10 actually retired uops. 

0x02: (name=retire_slots) Retirement slots used. 


Machine clears


0x02: (name=memory_ordering) Counts the number of machine clears due to memory order conflicts. 

0x04: (name=smc) Self-modifying code (SMC) detected. 

0x20: (name=maskmov) This event counts the number of executed Intel AVX masked load operations that refer to an illegal address range with the mask bits set to 0. 


Conditional branch instructions retired.


0x01: (name=conditional) Conditional branch instructions retired. 

0x02: (name=near_call_r3) Direct and indirect macro near call instructions retired (captured in ring 3). 

0x02: (name=near_call) Direct and indirect near call instructions retired. 

0x08: (name=near_return) Return instructions retired. 

0x10: (name=not_taken) Not taken branch instructions retired. 

0x20: (name=near_taken) Taken branch instructions retired. 

0x40: (name=far_branch) Far branch instructions retired. 


Mispredicted conditional branch instructions retired.


0x01: (name=conditional) Mispredicted conditional branch instructions retired. 

0x20: (name=near_taken) number of near branch instructions retired that were mispredicted and taken. 


FPU assists


0x02: (name=x87_output) Number of X87 assists due to output value. 

0x04: (name=x87_input) Number of X87 assists due to input value. 

0x08: (name=simd_output) Number of SIMD FP assists due to Output values 

0x10: (name=simd_input) Number of SIMD FP assists due to input values 

0x1e: (name=any) Cycles with any input/output SSE or FP assist 


ROB (Register Order Buffer) events


0x20: (name=lbr_inserts) Count cases of saving new LBR 


Memory Uops


0x11: (name=stlb_miss_loads) Load uops with true STLB miss retired to architected path. 

0x12: (name=stlb_miss_stores) Store uops with true STLB miss retired to architected path. 

0x21: (name=lock_loads) Load uops with locked access retired to architected path. 

0x41: (name=split_loads) Line-splitted load uops retired to architected path. 

0x42: (name=split_stores) Line-splitted store uops retired to architected path. 

0x81: (name=all_loads) Load uops retired to architected path with filter on bits 0 and 1 applied. 

0x82: (name=all_stores) Store uops retired to architected path with filter on bits 0 and 1 applied. 


Memory load uops


0x01: (name=l1_hit) Retired load uops with L1 cache hits as data sources. 

0x02: (name=l2_hit) Retired load uops with L2 cache hits as data sources. 

0x04: (name=llc_hit) Retired load uops which data sources were data hits in LLC without snoops required. 

0x40: (name=hit_lfb) Retired load uops which data sources were load uops missed L1 but hit forward buffer due to preceding miss to the same cache line with data not ready. 


Memory load uops with LLC (Last Level Cache) hit


0x01: (name=xsnp_miss) Retired load uops which data sources were LLC hit and cross-core snoop missed in on-pkg core cache. 

0x02: (name=xsnp_hit) Retired load uops which data sources were LLC and cross-core snoop hits in on-pkg core cache. 

0x04: (name=xsnp_hitm) Retired load uops which data sources were HitM responses from shared LLC. 

0x08: (name=xsnp_none) Retired load uops which data sources were hits in LLC without snoops required. 


Memory load uops with LLC (Last Level Cache) miss


0x01: (name=local_dram) Data from local DRAM either Snoop not needed or Snoop Miss (RspI) 


Frontend resteering


0x1f: (name=any) Counts the total number when the front end is resteered, mainly when the BPU cannot provide a correct prediction and this is corrected by other branch handling mechanisms at the front end. 


L2 cache transactions


0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Demand Data Read requests that access L2 cache 

0x02: (name=rfo) RFO requests that access L2 cache 

0x04: (name=code_rd) L2 cache accesses when fetching instructions 

0x08: (name=all_pf) L2 or LLC HW prefetches that access L2 cache 

0x10: (name=l1d_wb) L1D writebacks that access L2 cache 

0x20: (name=l2_fill) L2 fill requests that access L2 cache 

0x40: (name=l2_wb) L2 writebacks that access L2 cache 

0x80: (name=all_requests) Transactions accessing L2 pipe 


L2 cache lines in


0x01: (name=i) L2 cache lines in I state filling L2 

0x02: (name=s) L2 cache lines in S state filling L2 

0x04: (name=e) L2 cache lines in E state filling L2 

0x07: (name=all) L2 cache lines filling L2 


L2 cache lines out


0x01: (name=demand_clean) Clean L2 cache lines evicted by demand 

0x02: (name=demand_dirty) Dirty L2 cache lines evicted by demand 

0x04: (name=pf_clean) Clean L2 cache lines evicted by L2 prefetch 

0x08: (name=pf_dirty) Dirty L2 cache lines evicted by L2 prefetch 

0x0a: (name=dirty_all) Dirty L2 cache lines filling the L2 


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    前言 ELK是Elasticsearch.Logstash.Kibana的简称,这三者是核心套件,但并非全部. Elasticsearch是实时全文搜索和分析引擎,提供搜集.分析.存储数据三大功能:是 ...

  10. 数据结构之二叉树篇卷一 -- 建立二叉树(With Java)

    一.定义二叉树节点类 package tree; public class Node<E> { public E data; public Node<E> lnode; pub ...