The next function of the transform property is skewX(), which skews the selected element along its X (horizontal) axis by a given degree.

The following code skews the paragraph element by -32 degrees along the X-axis.

p {
transform: skewX(-32deg);


Skew the element with the id of bottom by 24 degrees along the X-axis by using the transform property.


div {
width: %;
height: 100px;
margin: 50px auto;
#top {
background-color: red;
#bottom {
background-color: blue;
transform: skewX(24deg);
</style> <div id="top"></div>
<div id="bottom"></div>


  • 蓝色的和红色一样的
  • 通过skewX,让蓝色的上下边不动,左右在水平方向(延X轴)倾斜了24度。上下不动,左右移动

  • 经测试,skewY,让蓝色的左右两边,延垂直方向(Y轴)倾斜。左右不动,上下移动。如下图:

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