STL之Errors and Exceptions
Error Handling
- Error checking reduces performance, and speed is still a general goal of programs. As mentioned, good performance was one of the design goals of the STL.
- If you prefer safety over speed, you can still get it, either by adding wrappers or by using special versions of the STL. But you can't program to avoid error checking to get better performance when error checking is built into all basic operations. For example, when every subscript operation checks whether a range is valid, you can't write your own subscripts without checking. However, it is possible the other way around.
Pay Attention
Iterators must be valid. For example, they must be initialized before they are used. Note that iterators may become invalid as a side effect of other operations. In particular, they become invalid for vectors and deques if elements are inserted or deleted, or reallocation takes place.
Iterators that refer to the past-the-end position(结束之后的位置) have no element to which to refer. Thus, calling operator * or operator -> is not allowed. This is especially true for the return values of the end() and rend() container member functions.
Ranges must be valid:
Both iterators that specify a range must refer to the same container.
The second iterator must be reachable from the first iterator.
If more than one source range is used, the second and later ranges must have at least as many elements as the first one.
Destination ranges must have enough elements that can be overwritten; otherwise, insert iterators must be used.
possible errors
// stl/iterbug1.cpp #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> coll1; //empty collection
vector<int> coll2; //empty collection /* RUNTIME ERROR:
* - beginning is behind the end of the range
vector<int>::iterator pos = coll1.begin();
reverse (++pos, coll1 .end()); //insert elements from 1 to 9 into coll2
for (int i=; i<=; ++i) {
coll2.push_back (i);
* - overwriting nonexisting elements
copy (coll2.begin(), coll2.end(), //source
coll1 .begin()) ; //destination /* RUNTIME ERROR:
* - collections mistaken
* - begin() and end() mistaken
copy (coll1.begin(), coll2.end(), //source
coll1. end()); //destination
Note that these errors occur at runtime, not at compile time, and thus they cause undefined behavior.
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