All submissions for this problem are available.

Read problems statements in Mandarin Chinese and Russian.

This problem's statement is really a short one.

You are given an integer S. Consider an infinite sequence S, 2S, 3S, ... . Find the first number in this sequence that can be represented as Q3, where Q is some positive integer number. As the sought number could be very large, please print modulo (109 + 7).

The number S will be given to you as a product of N positive integer numbers A1, A2, ..., AN, namely S = A1 * A2 * ... * AN


The first line of the input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.

The first line of each test case contains an integer N.

Then there is a line, containing N space separated integers, denoting the numbers A1, A2, ..., AN.


For each test case, output a single line containing the first term of the sequence which is the perfect cube, modulo 109+7.


  • 1T10
  • (Subtask 1): N = 1, 1S109 - 15 points.
  • (Subtask 2): N = 1, 1S1018 - 31 point.
  • (Subtask 3): 1N100, 1Ai1018 - 54 points.


2 2
2 3


Example case 1. First few numbers in the infinite sequence 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, , etc. In this sequence, 8 is the first number which is also a cube (as 23 = 8).

Example case 2. First few numbers in the infinite sequence 6, 12, 18, 24, , etc. In this sequence, 216 is the first number which is also a cube (as 63 = 216).



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <map>
#define LOCAL
const int MAXN = + ;
const long long MOD = ;
const double Pi = acos(-1.0);
long long G = ;//原根
const int MAXM = * + ;
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll read(){
ll flag = , x = ;
char ch;
ch = getchar();
while (ch < '' || ch > '') {if (ch == '-') flag = -; ch = getchar();}
while (ch >= '' && ch <= '') {x = x * + (ch - ''); ch = getchar();}
return x * flag;
map<ll, int>Num;//记录个数
ll data[MAXN];
ll n; ll mul(ll a, ll b, ll c){//又要用快速乘QAQ
if (b == ) return 0ll;
if (b == ) return a % c;
ll tmp = mul(a, b / , c);
if (b % == ) return (tmp + tmp) % c;
else return (((tmp + tmp) % c) + (a % c)) % c;
ll pow(ll a, ll b, ll c){
if (b == ) return 1ll;
if (b == ) return a % c;
ll tmp = pow(a, b / , c);
if (b % == ) return mul(tmp, tmp, c);
else return mul(mul(tmp, tmp, c), a, c);
bool Sec_check(ll a, ll b, ll c){
ll tmp = pow(a, b, c);
if (tmp != && tmp != (c - )) return ;
if (tmp == (c - ) || (b % != )) return ;
return Sec_check(a, b / , c);
bool miller_rabin(ll n){
int cnt = ;
while (cnt--){
ll a = (ll)rand() % (n - ) + ;
if (!Sec_check(a, n - , n)) return ;
return ;
ll gcd(ll a, ll b){return b == 0ll ? a : gcd(b, a % b);}
ll pollard_rho(ll a, ll c){
ll i = , k = ;
ll x, y, d;
x = (ll)((double)(rand() / RAND_MAX) * (a - ) + 0.5) + 1ll;
y = x;
while (){
x = (mul(x, x, a) % a + c) % a;
d = gcd(y - x + a, a);
if (d > && d < a) return d;
if (y == x) return a;//失败
if (i == k){
k <<= ;
y = x;
void find(ll a, ll c){
if (a == ) return;
if (miller_rabin(a)){
ll p = a;
while (p >= a) pollard_rho(a, c--);
pollard_rho(p, c);
pollard_rho(a / p, c);
void init(){
scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) {
data[i] = read();
find(data[i], );
void work(){
ll Ans = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) Ans = (Ans * data[i]) % MOD;
for (map<ll, int>::iterator it = Num.begin(); it != Num.end(); it++){
it->second %= ;
if (it->second){
for (int i = it->second; i < ; i++) Ans = (Ans * ((it->first) % MOD)) % MOD;
printf("%lld\n", Ans);
} int main(){
int T; scanf("%d", &T);
while (T--){
return ;

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