using namespace std; const int INF = ;
const int maxn = ; int a[maxn];
char ans[maxn]; //a[i] = 1代表+,2代表-,3代表*,4代表/ ;
int len,goal;
bool vis[maxn][INF+][]; // vis[i][j][1]=1 表示计算完前i个数字的某种组合可以得到正j,dp[i][j][0]=1则为负j bool dfs(int u,int sum){
if(u == ){
if(a[] == sum ) return true;
else return false;
} if(sum >= && vis[u][sum][])
return false; else if(sum< && vis[u][-sum][])
return false; int temp = sum - a[u];
if(temp > -INF && temp < INF){
ans[u] = '+';
if(dfs(u-,temp)) return true;
if(temp >= ){
vis[u-][temp][] = true;
vis[u-][-temp][] = true;
temp = sum + a[u];
if(temp > -INF && temp < INF){
ans[u] = '-';
if(dfs(u-,temp)) return true;
if(temp >= ){
vis[u-][temp][] = true;
vis[u-][-temp][] = true;
temp = sum * a[u];
if(temp > -INF && temp < INF){
ans[u] = '/';
if(dfs(u-,temp)) return true;
if(temp >= ){
vis[u-][temp][] = true;
vis[u-][-temp][] = true;
if(sum % a[u]) return false;
temp = sum / a[u];
if(temp > -INF && temp < INF){
ans[u] = '*';
if(dfs(u-,temp)) return true;
if(temp >= ){
vis[u-][temp][] = true;
vis[u-][-temp][] = true;
return false;
void print(){
ans[len+] = '=';
for(int i=;i<=len;i++){
int main()
int T;
for(int i=;i<=len;i++)
scanf("%d",&goal); memset(vis,,sizeof(vis)); if(dfs(len,goal)){
printf("NO EXPRESSION\n");

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