
熟悉C#的lambda 表达式,想要使用 LINQ 在 Java,是个问题,虽然 Java8用函数式接口已经实现了部分lambda 表达式,但是还是不够灵活。


Linqer 是在 Java 中的可以使用 LINQ 语言集成查询 (LINQ)。可以弥补目前Java8在 LINQ方面的一些不足,实现了在 c# 中 的(selectMany,Union, Intersect, Except等)。
如果你使用 Maven,请在以下 pom.xml 应用以下包。

如果没有使用Maven 时,直接使用 jLinqer jar,下载地址:


4.LINQ jLinqer 对比

功能 LINQ(C#) jLinqer(Java) Stream(Java)
筛选 Where where filter
投影 Select select map
排序(升序) OrderBy orderBy sorted
排序(降序) OrderByDescending orderByDescending n/a
按升序对序列中的元素执行后续排序 ThenBy thenBy n/a
按降序对序列中的元素执行后续排序。 ThenByDescending thenByDescending n/a
将序列的每个元素投影到 IEnumerable<T> 并将结果序列合并为一个序列。 SelectMany selectMany flatMap
跳过序列中指定数量的元素,然后返回剩余的元素。 Skip skip skip
只要满足指定的条件,就跳过序列中的元素,然后返回剩余元素。 SkipWhile skipWhile n/a
从序列的开头返回指定数量的连续元素。 Take take limit
只要满足指定的条件,就会返回序列的元素,然后跳过剩余的元素。 TakeWhile takeWhile n/a
连接两个序列 Concat concat concat
生成两个序列的交集 Intersect intersect n/a
生成两个序列的并集 Union union n/a
生成两个序列的差集 Except except n/a
基于匹配键对两个序列的元素进行关联 Join join n/a
基于键相等对两个序列的元素进行关联并对结果进行分组 GroupJoin groupJoin n/a
反转序列中元素的顺序 Reverse reverse n/a
将指定函数应用于两个序列的对应元素,以生成结果序列 Zip zip n/a
返回序列中的非重复元素 Distinct distinct distinct
累加器函数 Aggregate aggregate reduce
对序列中的元素进行分组 GroupBy groupBy Collectors.groupingBy
计算数值序列的平均值 Average averageXXX Collectors.summarizingXXX
返回序列中的元素数量 Count count n/a
返回一个 Int64,表示序列中的元素的数量 LongCount longCount count
返回值序列中的最大值 Max max max
返回值序列中的最小值 Min min min
计算数值序列之和 Sum sumXXX Collectors.summarizingXXX
返回序列中的第一个元素 First first findFirst
返回序列中的第一个元素;如果未找到元素,则返回默认值 FirstOrDefault firstOrDefault n/a
返回序列的最后一个元素 Last last n/a
返回序列中的最后一个元素;如果未找到元素,则返回默认值 LastOrDefault lastOrDefault n/a
返回值序列的单个特定元素 Single single n/a
返回序列中单个特定元素,如果未找到这样的元素,则返回默认值 SingleOrDefault singleOrDefault n/a
返回指定序列的元素;如果序列为空,则返回集合中的类型参数的默认值。 DefaultIfEmpty defaultIfEmpty n/a
返回序列中指定索引处的元素 ElementAt elementAt n/a
返回序列中指定索引处的元素;如果索引超出范围,则返回默认值 ElementAtOrDefault elementAtOrDefault n/a
确定序列中的所有元素是否满足条件 All all allMatch
确定序列中的任何元素是否存在或满足条件 Any any anyMatch
返回一个具有指定的类型参数的空 Empty empty n/a
生成指定范围内的整数的序列 Range range n/a
生成包含一个重复值的序列 Repeat repeat n/a
根据相等比较器确定两个序列是否相等 SequenceEqual sequenceEqual n/a
强制转换为指定的类型 Cast cast n/a
根据指定类型筛选 IEnumerable 的元素 OfType ofType n/a



 List<Integer> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3);

 List<Integer> actual = list.where(x -> x == 1 || x == 3).toList();

 assertEquals(true , actual.contains(1));
assertEquals(false, actual.contains(2));
assertEquals(true , actual.contains(3));


 List<Person> list = new List<>(
new Person("React" , 1),
new Person("Angular" , 3),
new Person("Backbone", 5)
); List<String> actual = list.select(x -> x.name).toList(); assertEquals("React" , actual.get(0));
assertEquals("Angular" , actual.get(1));
assertEquals("Backbone", actual.get(2));


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 List<String> actual = list.orderBy(x -> x).toList();

 assertEquals("Angular" , actual.get(0));
assertEquals("Backbone", actual.get(1));
assertEquals("React" , actual.get(2));


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 List<String> actual = list.orderByDescending(x -> x).toList();

 assertEquals("React" , actual.get(0));
assertEquals("Backbone", actual.get(1));
assertEquals("Angular" , actual.get(2));


 List<Person> list = new List<>(
new Person("Angular2", 2),
new Person("Angular1", 2),
new Person("React" , 1)
); List<String> actual = list.orderBy(x -> x.age).thenBy(x -> x.name).toList(); assertEquals("React" , actual.get(0).name);
assertEquals("Angular1", actual.get(1).name);
assertEquals("Angular2" , actual.get(2).name);


 List<Person> list = new List<>(
new Person("Angular2", 2),
new Person("Angular1", 2),
new Person("React" , 1)
); List<String> actual = list.orderBy(x -> x.age).thenByDescending(x -> x.name).toList(); assertEquals("React" , actual.get(0).name);
assertEquals("Angular2", actual.get(1).name);
assertEquals("Angular1" , actual.get(2).name);


 List<Person> list = new List<>(
new Person("Angular", 3, new List("1.0.1", "1.0.2")),
new Person("React" , 1, new List("2.0.1", "2.0.2"))
); List<String> actual = list.selectMany(x -> x.versionHistory).toList(); assertEquals("1.0.1", actual.get(0));
assertEquals("1.0.2", actual.get(1));
assertEquals("2.0.1", actual.get(2));
assertEquals("2.0.2", actual.get(3));


 List<Integer> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3);

 List<Integer> actual = list.skip(2).toList();

 assertEquals(3, actual.get(0).intValue());


 List<Integer> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

 List<Integer> actual = list.skipWhile(x -> x <= 3).toList();

 assertEquals(4, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(5, actual.get(1).intValue());


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 List<String> actual = list.take(2).toList();

 assertEquals(2, actual.size());
assertEquals("Backbone", actual.get(0));
assertEquals("Angular" , actual.get(1));


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 List<String> actual = list.takeWhile(x -> x.equals("Backbone") || x.equals("Angular")).toList();

 assertEquals(2, actual.size());
assertEquals("Backbone", actual.get(0));
assertEquals("Angular" , actual.get(1));


 List<Integer> first = new List<>(1, 2);
List<Integer> second = new List<>(2, 3); List<Integer> actual = first.concat(second).toList(); assertEquals(1, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(2, actual.get(1).intValue());
assertEquals(2, actual.get(2).intValue());
assertEquals(3, actual.get(3).intValue());


 List<Integer> first = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> second = new List<>(1, 3); List<Integer> actual = first.intersect(second).toList(); assertEquals(1, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(3, actual.get(1).intValue());


 List<Integer> first = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> second = new List<>(0, 1, 3, 4); List<Integer> actual = first.union(second).toList(); assertEquals(5, actual.size());
assertEquals(1, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(2, actual.get(1).intValue());
assertEquals(3, actual.get(2).intValue());
assertEquals(0, actual.get(3).intValue());
assertEquals(4, actual.get(4).intValue());


 List<Integer> first = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> second = new List<>(1, 3); List<Integer> actual = first.except(second).toList(); assertEquals(2, actual.get(0).intValue());


 List<Javascript> outer = new List<>(
new Javascript("Angular", 1),
new Javascript("React" , 4),
new Javascript("ES2016" , 5)
List<Javascript> inner = new List<>(
new Javascript("Angular", 2),
new Javascript("Angular", 3),
new Javascript("ES2016" , 6),
new Javascript("ES7" , 7)
); Function<Javascript, String> outerKey = (x) -> x.name;
Function<Javascript, String> innerKey = (y) -> y.name;
BiFunction<Javascript, Javascript, Javascript> selector = (x, y) -> new Javascript(x.name, y.age);
List<Javascript> actual = outer.join(inner, outerKey, innerKey, selector).toList(); assertEquals(3, actual.size());
assertEquals("Angular", actual.get(0).name);
assertEquals("Angular", actual.get(1).name);
assertEquals("ES2016" , actual.get(2).name);
assertEquals(2, actual.get(0).age);
assertEquals(3, actual.get(1).age);
assertEquals(6, actual.get(2).age);


 List<Javascript> outer = new List<>(
new Javascript("Angular", 1),
new Javascript("React" , 4),
new Javascript("ES2016" , 5)
List<Javascript> inner = new List<>(
new Javascript("Angular", 2),
new Javascript("Angular", 3),
new Javascript("ES2016" , 6),
new Javascript("ES7" , 7)
); Function<Javascript, String> outerKey = (x) -> x.name;
Function<Javascript, String> innerKey = (y) -> y.name;
BiFunction<Javascript, IEnumerable<Javascript>, Javascript> selector = (x, y) -> new Javascript(x.name, y.select(z -> z.age));
List<Javascript> actual = outer.groupJoin(inner, outerKey, innerKey, selector).toList(); assertEquals(3, actual.size());
assertEquals("Angular", actual.get(0).name);
assertEquals("React" , actual.get(1).name);
assertEquals("ES2016" , actual.get(2).name);
assertEquals(2, actual.get(0).ages.elementAt(0));
assertEquals(3, actual.get(0).ages.elementAt(1));
assertEquals(0, actual.get(1).ages.count());
assertEquals(6, actual.get(2).ages.elementAt(0));


 List<Integer> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3);

 List<Integer> actual = list.reverse().toList();

 assertEquals(3, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(2, actual.get(1).intValue());
assertEquals(1, actual.get(2).intValue());


 List<Integer> first = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<String> second = new List<>("Angular", "React", "Backbone"); List<Integer> actual = first.zip(second, (x, y) -> String.format("%s %d", x, y)).toList(); assertEquals("1 Angular" , actual.get(0));
assertEquals("2 React" , actual.get(1));
assertEquals("3 Backbone", actual.get(2));


 List<Integer> list =new List<>(1, 2, 3,1, 2, 3, 4);

 List<Integer> actual = list.distinct().toList();

 assertEquals(1, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(2, actual.get(1).intValue());
assertEquals(3, actual.get(2).intValue());
assertEquals(4, actual.get(3).intValue());


 List<Integer> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3);

 int actual = list.aggregate((sum, elem) -> sum + elem);

 assertEquals(6, actual);


 List<Person> list = new List<>(
new Person("React" , 1),
new Person("Angular" , 1),
new Person("Backbone", 5)
); Map<Integer, IEnumerable<Person>> actual = list.groupBy(x -> x.age); assertEquals(true, actual.get(1).any(x -> x.name.equals("React")));
assertEquals(true, actual.get(1).any(x -> x.name.equals("Angular")));
assertEquals(true, actual.get(5).any(x -> x.name.equals("Backbone")));


 List<Long> listLong = new List<>(1l, 2l, 3l, 4l);

 double actualLong = listLong.averageLong(x -> x);

 assertEquals(2.5d, actualLong, 0);


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 long actual = list.longCount();
int actualNone = list.count(x -> x.equals("jquery")); assertEquals(3, actual);
assertEquals(0, actualNone);


 List<Double> listDouble = new List<>(1d, 2d, 3d);

 double actualDouble = listDouble.max(x -> x);

 assertEquals(3d, actualDouble, 0);


 List<BigDecimal> listBigDecimal = new List<>(
new BigDecimal(1d),
new BigDecimal(2d),
new BigDecimal(3d)
); BigDecimal actualBigDecimal = listBigDecimal.min(x -> x); assertEquals(1d, actualBigDecimal.doubleValue(), 0);


 List<Integer> listInt = new List<>(1, 2, 3);

 int actualInt = listInt.sumInt(x -> x);

 assertEquals(6, actualInt);


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 String actualFirst = list.firstOrDefault();
String actualMatch = list.firstOrDefault(x -> x.equals("Angular"));
String actualUnMatch = list.firstOrDefault(x -> x.equals("jquery")); assertEquals("Backbone", actualFirst);
assertEquals("Angular" , actualMatch);
assertEquals(null , actualUnMatch);


 List<Integer> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> listEmpty = new List<>(); int actual = list.lastOrDefault();
Integer actualDefaultNone = listEmpty.lastOrDefault(x -> x == 0); assertEquals(3, actual);
assertEquals(null, actualDefaultNone);


 List<Integer> listMany = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> listEmpty = new List<>(); int actualFilter = listMany.singleOrDefault(x -> x == 3);
Integer actualUnMatch = listEmpty.singleOrDefault(x -> x == 0); assertEquals(3, actualFilter);
assertEquals(null, actualUnMatch);


 List<String> listEmpty = new List<>();

 List<String> actualDefault = listEmpty.defaultIfEmpty("ES7").toList();

 assertEquals("ES7", actualDefault.get(0));
ElementAtOrDefault List<Integer> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3); int actual = list.elementAtOrDefault(2);
Integer actualDefault = list.elementAtOrDefault(3); assertEquals(3, actual);
assertEquals(null, actualDefault);


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 boolean actual = list.all(x -> x.equals("Angular") || x.equals("Backbone") || x.equals("React"));
boolean actualNotFound = list.all(x -> x.equals("Angular") || x.equals("React")); assertEquals(true, actual);
assertEquals(false, actualNotFound);


 List<String> list = new List<>("Backbone", "Angular", "React");

 boolean actual = list.any(x -> x.equals("Angular"));
boolean actualNotFound = list.any(x -> x.equals("jquery")); assertEquals(true, actual);
assertEquals(false, actualNotFound);


 List<Double> actual = IEnumerable.empty(Double.class);

 assertEquals(0, actual.count());


 List<Integer> actual = IEnumerable.range(-2, 3);

 assertEquals(-2, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(-1, actual.get(1).intValue());
assertEquals(0 , actual.get(2).intValue());


 List<String> actual = IEnumerable.repeat(String.class, "Law of Cycles", 10);

 assertEquals(10, actual.count());
assertEquals("Law of Cycles", actual.get(9));
SequenceEqual List<Integer> first = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> secondMatch = new List<>(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> secondUnMatchElem = new List<>(1, 2, 4); boolean actualMatch = first.sequenceEqual(secondMatch);
boolean actualUnMatchElm = first.sequenceEqual(secondUnMatchElem); assertEquals(true, actualMatch);
assertEquals(false, actualUnMatchElm);


 List<Object> list = new List<>(1, 2, 3);

 List<Integer> actual = list.cast(Integer.class).toList();

 assertEquals(1, actual.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(2, actual.get(1).intValue());
assertEquals(3, actual.get(2).intValue());


 List<Object> list = new List<>(1, "2", 3, "4");

 List<String> actualStr = list.ofType(String.class).toList();
List<Integer> actualInt = list.ofType(Integer.class).toList(); assertEquals("2", actualStr.get(0));
assertEquals("4", actualStr.get(1));
assertEquals(1 , actualInt.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(3 , actualInt.get(1).intValue());




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