2033 const struct sched_class rt_sched_class = {
2034 .next = &fair_sched_class,
2035 .enqueue_task = enqueue_task_rt,
2036 .dequeue_task = dequeue_task_rt,
2037 .yield_task = yield_task_rt,

2039 .check_preempt_curr = check_preempt_curr_rt,(blank)
2041 .pick_next_task = pick_next_task_rt,
2042 .put_prev_task = put_prev_task_rt,(blank)

2044 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
2045 .select_task_rq = select_task_rq_rt,
2047 .set_cpus_allowed = set_cpus_allowed_rt,
2048 .rq_online = rq_online_rt,
2049 .rq_offline = rq_offline_rt,
2050 .pre_schedule = pre_schedule_rt,
2051 .post_schedule = post_schedule_rt,
2052 .task_woken = task_woken_rt,
2053 .switched_from = switched_from_rt,
2054 #endif
2056 .set_curr_task = set_curr_task_rt,
2057 .task_tick = task_tick_rt,

2059 .get_rr_interval = get_rr_interval_rt,
2061 .prio_changed = prio_changed_rt,
2062 .switched_to = switched_to_rt,
2063 };

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