Daily record-June
1. Dear, wake up! Seven o'clock now, it's time to get up. Wash your face and to have breakfast.
2. We have cornmeal porridge, and do you want to eat steamed buns or pancake?
3. My weight has dropped to less than 70 kilograms. Mine is 80 kilograms.
4. It's raining outside, the temperature is 22 to 28 degrees today.
5. I decided to wear my sandals and wear a long pants. I wear my new shoes.
6. What do you have for lunch today? Beef noodles.
7. The office is very muggy, although I have a small fan.
8. This world cup is a lot of dark horses.
9. The task is to complete the kernel testing and research the u-boot code.
10. Portuguese win Morocco a ball in Group competition.
1. We bought a great deal of things in June 18th.
2. The courier often send the express to wrong place.
3. You're going to get a taxi back at night.
4. You'll have a holiday in 14 work days.
5. We haven't given the baby a name yet.
6. We eat meat rice dumpling this morning.
7. I'm going to run 5 kilometers this evening.
8. There are many techniques need to learn, I have to work hard.
9. The French team plays Peru in its two group game tonight.
10. I can back after I complete the mission.
1. It took 19 yuan to take a taxi home yesterday.
2. Argentina lost to Croatia, and their situation is not good.
3. I think the Skoda KAROQ has a high cost performance, do you think so?
4. I bought a lot of books in Jingdong, professional and non professional.
5. I haven't been exercising for a long time. I will play basketball this weekend.
6. Only if you work hard, you can make great accomplishments.
7. In my spare time I enjoy music, Internet-surfing and reading, etc.
8. I love reading history and especially biography.
9. In any case, don't let yourself down.
10. My rain cape is leaking and I need to buy a new one.
1. The rain stopped, and I go out to play basketball this morning.
2. The new mirror is very beautiful.
3. I need to read about the kernel book, and to read it many times if it's hard.
4. We eat leek pancake in the morning.
5. My sister called, and they will come to dinner at night.
6. My favorite team Belgium have a match tonight .
7. Because of somethings need to done, so overtime today.
8. There are so many things on the table and I need to put some on the floor when I am free.
9. I am not a man who often gives up, I want to do everything well.
10. I has never been running due to laziness.
1. Today is Sunday. I didn't go to play, because of the weather.
2. I'm too thin and I need to exercise my muscles to increase my muscles.
3. Let's sell the useless cartons today.
4. All the cartons sold 29 dollars.
5. There is a match between England and Panama tonight.
6. My dad will send us dinner tomorrow night.
7. We need to read more books so that we can teach our children well later.
8. Let's go out and walk after dinner.
9. I has never been running due to laziness.
10. Our new sewing machine is good.
1. I filled out the application form today.
2. You help me print 10 year work summary of a great man.
3. This week's task is to complete the uboot.
4. The other tast is testing the new file system provided by the supervisor
5. Bootloader is broken by me, and the board is a brick now.
6. I can restore the system by maskrom pattern.
7. Get a sticky paper from the reception desk.
8. I freeze the peach in the refrigerator.
9. I need to go for refueling tomorrow morning.
10. There are Portuguese and Spanish games this evening
1. The weather is very hot, we must wear sunscreen clothes to work.
2. Lots of cars on the way to work, we need careful and slow.
3. I bought two cases of beer in the jingdong.
4. Today is very important for Argentina, either win or go home.
5. I like the poems of Chairman Mao.
6. We need to know more about history.
7. Life is not a bed of roses, but please treasure it and enjoy it.
8. Generosity is giving and sharing
9. To be a strict person.
10. I will back after finish my work today, it's a mandatory order.
1. Jinjin go to the hospital for pregnancy inspection today.
2. It's very hot today, and the temperature is 38 degrees.
3. Today the Korea will fight Germany.
4. Overtime until 7:30 in the evening
5. Go out and play play basketball tomorrow morning.
6. Jinjin has to exercise every day.
7. I will install a new curtain at the weekend.
8. The test development board is in good condition now.
9. I'm a little hungry, I don't know what to have tonight.
10. I must stick to 10 English short sentences every day.
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