
The Sparrow is for trial, at next bird assizes,we should select a connected subgraph from the whole tree of sparrows as trial objects.

Because the relationship between sparrows is too complex, so we want to leave this problem to you. And your task is to calculate how many different ways can we select a connected subgraph from the whole tree.


题解:手摸一下样例,再画一颗三叉树,找到一个公式:num[i]=(num[v1]+1)*(num[v2]+1)*````*(num[v0]+1) num[i]为以第i个节点为根的树的字数数量。v1```v0为其儿子。


    具体实现就是随便找一个点作为根dfs, 然后把所有num加起来

坑:我一发没过,改成ll 还是没过。比赛结束后发现 mod 没有改成ll orz

//#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define eps 1e-6
#define pi acos(-1.0)
#define e exp(1.0)
#define rep(i,t,n) for(int i =(t);i<=(n);++i)
#define per(i,n,t) for(int i =(n);i>=(t);--i)
#define mp make_pair
#define pb push_back
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
void smain();
int main() {
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
long _begin_time = clock();
long _end_time = clock();
printf("time = %ld ms.", _end_time - _begin_time);
return ;
const int maxn = 2e5 + ;
const ll mod = 1e7 + ;
const ll INF = ()*(200000ll) + ; int n;
vector<int> E[maxn];
int num[maxn];
void dfs(int n,int fa) {
if (num[n] != )return;
int sz = E[n].size();
if (sz == && E[n][] == fa) {
num[n] = ;
rep(i, , sz - ) {
int v = E[n][i];
if (v ==fa)continue;
num[n] = num[n]*(num[v] + )%mod;
void Run() {
int ans=;
rep(i,,n) {
ans = (ans + num[i]) % mod;
cout << ans << endl; } void smain() { cin >> n;
rep(i,,n-) {
int a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
E[b].pb(a); }
rep(i, , n)num[i] = ;
Run(); }

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