PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming Third Edition

//D:\wamp64\www\0613pm\w_wwwroot\n\test_htaccess\mod_rewrite.php echo '?w='.$_GET['w'].'&wb='.$_GET['wb']; /*
*/ /*
*/ /*
D:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\conf #
# Deny access to the entirety of your server's filesystem. You must
# explicitly permit access to web content directories in other
# <Directory> blocks below.
<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all denied
</Directory> */ /*
新建 .htaccess #2016/8/13-11:11
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#the .htaccess file mustfirst check for the module and turn on the rewrite engine:
RewriteEngine on
#After enabling the engine, and before the closing IfModule tag, you add rules dictating the rewrites.
#The syntax is RewriteRule match rewrite
RewriteRule w.php dearchild.php
RewriteRule ^rewrite_ok/\wzero/\wfirst$ mod_write.php?w=$1&wb=$2
</IfModule> apache无法启动-0
<Directory 'D:\wamp64\www\0613pm\w_wwwroot\n\test_htaccess' />
AllowOverride All
<Directory 'D:\wamp64\www\0613pm\w_wwwroot\n\test_htaccess' />
AllowOverride All
<Directory "D:\wamp64\www\0613pm\w_wwwroot\n\test_htaccess" />
AllowOverride All
<Directory "D:\wamp64\www\0613pm\w_wwwroot\n\test_htaccess">
AllowOverride All
TOOLS- Check http.conf syntax 逐步排错 */ /*
echo 'dear_child_w';
http://localhost/0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/w.php */
echo 'dear_child_w';//dear_child_w
RewriteRule somepage.php otherpage.php
With that code, any time a user goes to somepage.php, the user will be shown the contents ofotherpage.php, although the browser will still display somepage.php in the address bar.
To be clear, that’s not actually a good use of mod_rewrite, as a literal redirection could beaccomplished with the less complex mod_alias module instead. However, a line like that doesrepresent an easy way to test that mod_rewrite is working.
*/ /*
Not Found The requested URL /0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/mod_write.php was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.18 (Win64) PHP/5.6.19 Server at localhost Port 80 */ /*
Not Found The requested URL /0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/mod_write.php was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.18 (Win64) PHP/5.6.19 Server at localhost Port 80 #2016/8/13-11:44
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#the .htaccess file mustfirst check for the module and turn on the rewrite engine:
RewriteEngine on
#After enabling the engine, and before the closing IfModule tag, you add rules dictating the rewrites.
#The syntax is RewriteRule match rewrite
RewriteRule w.php dearchild.php
RewriteRule ^rewrite_ok/\wzero/\wfirst$ mod_rwrite.php?w=$1&wb=$2
</IfModule> http://localhost/0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/wzero/wfirst ?w=&wb=
*/ /*
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule w.php dearchild.php
RewriteRule ^rewrite_ok/\w{1,}/\w{1,}$ mod_rewrite.php?w=$1&wb=$2
</IfModule> http://localhost/0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/2er32/sd
//?w=&wb= #2016/8/13-11:58
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule w.php dearchild.php
RewriteRule ^rewrite_ok/(\w{1,})/(\w{1,})$ mod_rewrite.php?w=$1&wb=$2
</IfModule> http://localhost/0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/2er32/sd
//?w=2er32&wb=sd 进一步研究-0
//Not Found The requested URL /0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/2er32 was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.18 (Win64) PHP/5.6.19 Server at localhost Port 80 进一步研究-1
//Not Found The requested URL /0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/2er32/t/ was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.18 (Win64) PHP/5.6.19 Server at localhost Port 80 考虑用户习惯,优化正则, #2016/8/13-12:05
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule w.php dearchild.php
RewriteRule ^rewrite_ok/(\w{1,})/(\w{1,})/{0,}$ mod_rewrite.php?w=$1&wb=$2
</IfModule> http://localhost/0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/2er32/t/
//?w=2er32&wb=t a-beautiful-world #2016/8/13-12:07
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
#The syntax is RewriteRule match rewrite
RewriteRule w.php dearchild.php
RewriteRule ^rewrite_ok/(\w{1,})/(\w{1,})/{0,}/a-beautiful-world$ mod_rewrite.php?w=$1&wb=$2
//Not Found The requested URL /0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/2er32/ta-beautiful-world was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.18 (Win64) PHP/5.6.19 Server at localhost Port 80 http://localhost/0613pm/w_wwwroot/n/test_htaccess/rewrite_ok/2er32/t/a-beautiful-world

//Search Engine Optimization

The modularized site as written has a number of benefits, starting with the fact that it will be easier to maintain and expand as needed.
//模块化站点 维护 扩展
mod_rewrite is a tool that lets you instruct the server that when the user goes to one URL, the server should provide another resource.
mod_rewrite makes use of regular expressions, so the matching pattern and resulting actual URL can be as complex as needed.
Two ways to change Apache's behavior
0-edit the primary Apache configuration file
1-create directory-specific files
// 全局配置文件 目录相关文件
The primary configuration file is httpd.conf, found within a conf directory, and it dictates how the entire Apache Web server runs(where the httpd.conf file is on your system will depend on many things). An .htaccess file(pronounced “H-T access”) is placed within a Web directory and is used to affect how Apache behaveswithin just that folder and subfolders.Generally speaking, it’s preferable to make changes in the httpd.conf file, since this file needs to be read only by the Web server each time the server is started. Conversely, .htaccess files must be readby the Web server once for every request to which an .htaccess file might apply. For example, if youhave, any request to requires reading the .htaccess file, as well as reading an .htaccess file that might exist in On the other hand, in shared hosting environments, individual users are not allowed to customize the entire Apache configuration, but they may be allowed to use .htaccess to make changes that only affect their sites. And changes to the primary configuration file do require restarting Apache to take effect.
0-references to external resources cheated the browser! Much more we can do! 

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