// 面试题55(一):二叉树的深度
// 题目:输入一棵二叉树的根结点,求该树的深度。从根结点到叶结点依次经过的
// 结点(含根、叶结点)形成树的一条路径,最长路径的长度为树的深度。 //如果左右节点只有一个存在,则深度为该存在的节点的深度+1
//如果左右节点都存在,则深度为最大子节点深度+1 #include <iostream>
#include "BinaryTree.h" int TreeDepth(const BinaryTreeNode* pRoot)
if (pRoot == nullptr)
return ; int nLeft = TreeDepth(pRoot->m_pLeft);
int nRight = TreeDepth(pRoot->m_pRight); return (nLeft > nRight) ? (nLeft + ) : (nRight + );
} // ====================测试代码====================
void Test(const char* testName, const BinaryTreeNode* pRoot, int expected)
int result = TreeDepth(pRoot);
if (expected == result)
printf("%s passed.\n", testName);
printf("%s FAILED.\n", testName);
} // 1
// / \
// 2 3
// /\ \
// 4 5 6
// /
void Test1()
BinaryTreeNode* pNode1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode6 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode7 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNode1, pNode2, pNode3);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode2, pNode4, pNode5);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode3, nullptr, pNode6);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode5, pNode7, nullptr); Test("Test1", pNode1, ); DestroyTree(pNode1);
} // 1
// /
// 2
// /
// 3
// /
// 4
// /
void Test2()
BinaryTreeNode* pNode1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNode1, pNode2, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode2, pNode3, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode3, pNode4, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode4, pNode5, nullptr); Test("Test2", pNode1, ); DestroyTree(pNode1);
} // 1
// \
// 2
// \
// 3
// \
// 4
// \
void Test3()
BinaryTreeNode* pNode1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNode5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNode1, nullptr, pNode2);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode2, nullptr, pNode3);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode3, nullptr, pNode4);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNode4, nullptr, pNode5); Test("Test3", pNode1, ); DestroyTree(pNode1);
} // 树中只有1个结点
void Test4()
BinaryTreeNode* pNode1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
Test("Test4", pNode1, ); DestroyTree(pNode1);
} // 树中没有结点
void Test5()
Test("Test5", nullptr, );
} int main()
return ;
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