


# /etc/profile

# System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup
# Functions and aliases Go in /etc/bashrc

# It's NOT a good idea to change this file unless you know what you
# are doing. It's much better to create a custom.sh shell script in
# /etc/profile.d/ to make custom changes to your environment, as this
# will prevent the need for merging in future updates.


/etc/bashrc:为每一个运行bash shell的用户执行此文件.当bash shell被打开时,该文件被读取.


# /etc/bashrc

# System wide functions and aliases
# Environment stuff goes in /etc/profile

# It's NOT a good idea to change this file unless you know what you
# are doing. It's much better to create a custom.sh shell script in
# /etc/profile.d/ to make custom changes to your environment, as this
# will prevent the need for merging in future updates.




~/.bashrc:该文件包含专用于你的bash shell的bash信息,当登录时以及每次打开新的shell时,该文件被读取.(每个用户都有一个.bashrc文件,在用户目录下)

此文件类似于/etc/bashrc,不需要重启生效,重新打开一个bash即可生效,  /etc/bashrc对所有用户新打开的bash都生效,但~/.bashrc只对当前用户新打开的bash生效。

~/.bash_logout:当每次退出系统(退出bash shell)时,执行该文件.

~/.bash_profile 是交互式、login 方式进入bash 运行的;

~/.bashrc 是交互式 non-login 方式进入bash 运行的;



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