17.13 Consider a simple node-like data structure called BiNode, which has pointers to two other nodes. The data structure BiNode could be used to represent both a binary tree (where nodel is the left node and node2 is the right node) or a doubly linked list (where nodel is the previous node and node2 is the next node). Implement a
method to convert a binary search tree (implemented with BiNode) into a doubly linked list. The values should be kept in order and the operation should be performed in place (that is, on the original data structure).



class BiNode {
BiNode *node1;
BiNode *node2;
int data;
BiNode(int d): data(d), node1(NULL), node2(NULL) {}
}; class NodePair {
BiNode *head;
BiNode *tail;
NodePair(BiNode *h, BiNode *t): head(h), tail(t) {}
}; void concat(BiNode *x, BiNode *y) {
x->node2 = y;
y->node1 = x;
} NodePair* convert(BiNode *root) {
if (!root) return NULL;
NodePair *part1 = convert(root->node1);
NodePair *part2 = convert(root->node2);
if (part1) concat(part1->tail, root);
if (part2) concat(root, part2->head);
return new NodePair(part1 ? part1->head : root, part2 ? part2->tail : root);



int cnt = ;
class BiNode {
BiNode *node1;
BiNode *node2;
int data;
BiNode(int d): data(d), node1(NULL), node2(NULL) {}
}; void concat(BiNode *x, BiNode *y) {
x->node2 = y;
y->node1 = x;
} BiNode* get_tail(BiNode *node) {
if (!node) return NULL;
while (node->node2) {
node = node->node2;
return node;
} BiNode* convert(BiNode *root) {
if (!root) return NULL;
BiNode *part1 = convert(root->node1);
BiNode *part2 = convert(root->node2);
if (part1) concat(get_tail(part1), root);
if (part2) concat(root, part2);
return part1 ? part1 : root;



class BiNode {
BiNode *node1;
BiNode *node2;
int data;
BiNode(int d): data(d), node1(NULL), node2(NULL) {}
}; void concat(BiNode *x, BiNode *y) {
x->node2 = y;
y->node1 = x;
} BiNode* convert_to_circular(BiNode *root) {
if (!root) return NULL;
BiNode *part1 = convert_to_circular(root->node1);
BiNode *part3 = convert_to_circular(root->node2);
if (!part1 && !part3) {
root->node1 = root;
root->node2 = root;
return root;
BiNode *tail3 = part3 ? part3->node1 : NULL;
// Join left to root
if (!part1) concat(part3->node1, root);
else concat(part1->node1, root);
// Join right to root
if (!part3) concat(root, part1);
else concat(root, part3);
// Join right to left
if (part1 && part3) concat(tail3, part1);
return part1 ? part1 : root;
} BiNode* convert(BiNode *root) {
BiNode *head = convert_to_circular(root);
head->node1->node2 = NULL;
head->node1 = NULL;
return head;

CareerCup All in One 题目汇总

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