



 #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 26 using namespace std; struct node
node *fail, *next[MAX];
int count;
}Mem_Pool[], *Trie_Queue[];
static int Used_Node;
static char pattern[], target[]; struct node *Get_New_Node(void);
void Insert(struct node*);
void Build_AC_Automation(struct node* const);
static int Query(struct node* const); int main(void)
int case_sum, pattern_sum;
scanf("%d", &case_sum); while (case_sum--)
Used_Node = ;
node *root = Get_New_Node();//每一次都拿一个新的根
scanf("%d", &pattern_sum);
while (pattern_sum--)
printf("%d\n", Query(root));
} struct node *Get_New_Node(void)
Mem_Pool[Used_Node].count = ;
Mem_Pool[Used_Node].fail = NULL;
memset(Mem_Pool[Used_Node].next, , sizeof(struct node *)*MAX); return &Mem_Pool[Used_Node++];
} void Insert(struct node *root)
gets(pattern); node *p = root;
int index;
for (int i = ; pattern[i] != '\0'; i++)
index = pattern[i] - 'a';
if (p->next[index] == NULL)
p->next[index] = Get_New_Node();
p = p->next[index];
} void Build_AC_Automation(struct node *const root)//自动机的构造例程,其实就是个BFS
root->fail = NULL;
int head = , back = ;
node *out = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
Trie_Queue[back++] = root; while (head != back)
out = Trie_Queue[head++];
for (int i = ; i < MAX; i++)//枚举所有情况
if (out->next[i] != NULL)
if (out == root)
out->next[i]->fail = root;//如果out自己就是根,那么直接将其子节点的失败指针指向自己就好了
for (tmp = out->fail; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->fail)
if (tmp->next[i] != NULL)
out->next[i]->fail = tmp->next[i];
if (tmp == NULL)
out->next[i]->fail = root;
Trie_Queue[back++] = out->next[i];
} static int Query(struct node *const root)
int ans = ;
node *tmp = root, *other = NULL;
for (int i = ; target[i] != '\0'; i++)
int index = target[i] - 'a';
while (tmp->next[index] == NULL && tmp != root)
tmp = tmp->fail;//沿着失败指针一直走
tmp = tmp->next[index];
tmp = (tmp == NULL) ? root : tmp;//检查如果是已经是root了,直接跳出来就好了
for (other = tmp; other != root && other->count != -; other = other->fail)
ans += other->count;
other->count = -;//标记一下,不要重复扫描
return ans;


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