PyQt是一个创建GUI应用程序的工具包。它是Python编程语言和Qt库的成功融合。Qt库是目前最强大的库之一。PyQt是由Phil Thompson 开发。
PyQt实现了一个Python模块集。它有超过300类,将近6000个函数和方法。它是一个多平台的工具包,可以运行在所有主要操作系统上,包括UNIX,Windows和Mac。 PyQt采用双许可证,开发人员可以选择GPL和商业许可。在此之前,GPL的版本只能用在Unix上,从PyQt的版本4开始,GPL许可证可用于所有支持的平台。
因为可用的类有很多,他们被分成几个模块。 QtCore模块包含核心的非GUI功能。该模块用于时间、文件和目录、各种数据类型、流、网址、MIME类型、线程或进程。QtGui模块包含图形组件和相关的类,例如按钮、窗体、状态栏、工具栏、滚动条、位图、颜色、字体等。QtNetwork模块包含了网络编程的类,这些类允许编写TCP/IP和UDP的客户端和服务器,他们使网络编程更简单,更轻便。QtXml包含使用XML文件的类,这个模块提供了SAX和DOM API的实现。QtSvg模块提供显示的SVG文件的类。可缩放矢量图形(SVG)是一种用于描述二维图形和图形应用程序的XML语言。QtOpenGL模块使用OpenGL库渲染3D和2D图形,该模块能够无缝集成Qt的GUI库和OpenGL库。QtSql模块提供用于数据库的类。

What is PyQt?

PyQt is a set of Python v2 and v3 bindings for The Qt Company's Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS and Android. PyQt5 supports Qt v5. PyQt4 supports Qt v4 and will build against Qt v5. The bindings are implemented as a set of Python modules and contain over 1,000 classes.

The Qt Company no longer supports Qt v4. PyQt5 and Qt v5 are strongly recommended for all new development.

PyQt is dual licensed on all supported platforms under the GNU GPL v3 and the Riverbank Commercial License. Unlike Qt, PyQt is not available under the LGPL. You can purchase the commercial version of PyQt here. More information about licensing can be found in the License FAQ.

PyQt does not include a copy of Qt. You must obtain a correctly licensed copy of Qt yourself. However, binary wheels of the GPL version of PyQt5 are provided and these include a copy of the LGPL version of Qt.

PyQt Components

A description of the components of PyQt5 can be found in the PyQt5 Reference Guide.

A description of the components of PyQt4 can be found in the PyQt4 Reference Guide.

Why PyQt?

PyQt brings together the Qt C++ cross-platform application framework and the cross-platform interpreted language Python.

Qt is more than a GUI toolkit. It includes abstractions of network sockets, threads, Unicode, regular expressions, SQL databases, SVG, OpenGL, XML, a fully functional web browser, a help system, a multimedia framework, as well as a rich collection of GUI widgets.

Qt classes employ a signal/slot mechanism for communicating between objects that is type safe but loosely coupled making it easy to create re-usable software components.

Qt also includes Qt Designer, a graphical user interface designer. PyQt is able to generate Python code from Qt Designer. It is also possible to add new GUI controls written in Python to Qt Designer.

Python is a simple but powerful object-orientated language. Its simplicity makes it easy to learn, but its power means that large and complex applications can be created. Its interpreted nature means that Python programmers are very productive because there is no edit/compile/link/run development cycle.

Much of Python's power comes from its comprehensive set of extension modules providing a wide variety of functions including HTTP servers, XML parsers, database access, data compression tools and, of course, graphical user interfaces. Extension modules are usually implemented in either Python, C or C++. Using tools such as SIP it is relatively straight forward to create an extension module that encapsulates an existing C or C++ library. Used in this way, Python can then become the glue to create new applications from established libraries.

PyQt combines all the advantages of Qt and Python. A programmer has all the power of Qt, but is able to exploit it with the simplicity of Python.

For more details, including some simple programming examples, you can download a copy of the PyQt Whitepaper.


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