jQuery Multi-TouchWipe / Multi-TouchZoom
jQuery Multi-TouchWipe / Multi-TouchZoom是小弟参照WipeTouch扩展出来的针对多点触屏划动而改写出来的Jquery插件,可以为dom上的两手指触屏划动拨入(zoomin)或者拨开(zoomout)操作而绑定自己的事件。
// jQuery multitouchzoom 1.0.0
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Developed and maintained by Nelson
// Inspired by and referenced from Igor Ramadas's WipeTouch. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $(selector).multitouchzoom(config);
// The multitouchzoom events should expect 2 fingers(a finger and b finger) touch on the screen at the same time;
// $(document).multitouchzoom({
// zoomIn: function(result) { alert("zoomIn "); },
// zoomOut: function(result) { alert("zoomOut "); }
// });
// More details at https://github.com/nelsonkuang/MultiTouchZoom
// The minified version of WipeTouch can be generated using Jasc: http:// (function ($) {
$.fn.multitouchzoom = function (settings) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ var config = { // Variables and options
moveX: 40, // minimum amount of horizontal pixels to trigger a wipe event
moveY: 40, // minimum amount of vertical pixels to trigger a wipe event
preventDefault: true, // if true, prevents default events (click for example) // Multi Touch Zoom events
zoomIn: false, // called on zoom in gesture
zoomOut: false, // called on zoom out gesture
multiTouchMove: false, // triggered whenever touchMove acts }; if (settings) {
$.extend(config, settings);
} this.each(function () {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
var startDate = false; // used to calculate timing and aprox. acceleration
var touchedElement = false; // element which user has touched
var clickEvent = false; // holds the click event of the target, when used hasn't clicked var aStartX; // where finger "a" touch has started, left
var aStartY; // where finger "a" touch has started, top
var aCurX; // keeps finger "a" touch X position while moving on the screen
var aCurY; // keeps finger "a" touch Y position while moving on the screen
var aIsMoving = false; // is user's finger "a" touching and moving? var bStartX; // where finger "b" touch has started, left
var bStartY; // where finger "b" touch has started, top
var bCurX; // keeps finger "b" touch X position while moving on the screen
var bCurY; // keeps finger "b" touch Y position while moving on the screen
var bIsMoving = false; // is user's finger "b" touching and moving? // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Multi Touch Eevents
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Called when user multi-touches the screen.
function onMultiTouchStart(e) {
var aStart = e.originalEvent.touches[0] && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1;
var bStart = e.originalEvent.touches[1];
if (!aIsMoving && !bIsMoving && aStart && bStart) {
if (config.preventDefault) {
} aStartX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
aStartY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
bStartX = e.originalEvent.touches[1].pageX;
bStartY = e.originalEvent.touches[1].pageY; $(this).bind("touchmove", onMultiTouchMove); // Set the start date and current X/Y for finger "a" & finger "b".
startDate = new Date().getTime();
aCurX = aStartX;
aCurY = aStartY;
bCurX = bStartX;
bCurY = bStartY;
aIsMoving = true;
bIsMoving = true; touchedElement = $(e.target);
} // Called when user untouches the screen.
function onTouchEnd(e) {
if (config.preventDefault) {
} // When touch events are not present, use mouse events.
$(this).unbind("touchmove", onMultiTouchMove); // If is moving then calculate the touch results, otherwise reset it.
if (aIsMoving || bIsMoving) {
else {
} // Called when user is touching and moving on the screen.
function onMultiTouchMove(e) {
if (config.preventDefault) {
} if (aIsMoving || bIsMoving) {
aCurX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
aCurY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
bCurX = e.originalEvent.touches[1].pageX;
bCurY = e.originalEvent.touches[1].pageY;
// If there's a MultiTouchMove event, call it passing
// current X and Y position (curX and curY).
if (config.multiTouchMove) {
triggerEvent(config.multiTouchMove, {
aCurX: aCurX,
aCurY: aCurY,
bCurX: bCurX,
bCurY: bCurY
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function touchCalculate(e) {
var endDate = new Date().getTime(); // current date to calculate timing
var ms = startDate - endDate; // duration of touch in milliseconds var ax = aCurX; // current left position of finger 'a'
var ay = aCurY; // current top position of finger 'a'
var bx = bCurX; // current left position of finger 'b'
var by = bCurY; // current top position of finger 'b'
var dax = ax - aStartX; // diff of current left to starting left of finger 'a'
var day = ay - aStartY; // diff of current top to starting top of finger 'a'
var dbx = bx - bStartX; // diff of current left to starting left of finger 'b'
var dby = by - bStartY; // diff of current top to starting top of finger 'b'
var aax = Math.abs(dax); // amount of horizontal movement of finger 'a'
var aay = Math.abs(day); // amount of vertical movement of finger 'a'
var abx = Math.abs(dbx); // amount of horizontal movement of finger 'b'
var aby = Math.abs(dby); // amount of vertical movement of finger 'b' //diff of current distance to starting distance between the 2 points
var diff = Math.sqrt((aStartX - bStartX) * (aStartX - bStartX) + (aStartY - bStartY) * (aStartY - bStartY)) - Math.sqrt((ax - bx) * (ax - bx) + (ay - by) * (ay - by)); // If moved less than 15 pixels, touch duration is less than 100ms,
// then trigger a click event and stop processing.
if (aax < 15 && aay < 15 && abx < 15 && aby < 15 && ms < 100) {
clickEvent = false; if (config.preventDefault) {
resetTouch(); touchedElement.trigger("click");
} // Is it zooming in or out?
var isZoomIn = diff > 0;
var isZoomOut = diff < 0; // Calculate speed from 1 to 5, 1 being slower and 5 faster.
var as = ((aax + aay) * 60) / ((ms) / 6 * (ms));
var bs = ((abx + aby) * 60) / ((ms) / 6 * (ms)); if (as < 1) as = 1;
if (as > 5) as = 5; if (bs < 1) bs = 1;
if (bs > 5) bs = 5; var result = {
aSpeed: parseInt(as),
bSpeed: parseInt(bs),
aX: aax,
aY: aay,
bX: abx,
bY: aby,
source: touchedElement
}; if (aax >= config.moveX || abx >= config.moveX||aay>= config.moveY||aby>=config.moveY) {
// If it is zooming in, trigger zoomIn events.
if (isZoomIn) {
triggerEvent(config.zoomIn, result);
// Otherwise trigger zoomOut events.
else if (isZoomOut) {
triggerEvent(config.zoomOut, result);
} // Resets the cached variables.
function resetTouch() {
aStartX = false;
aStartY = false;
bStartX = false;
bStartY = false;
startDate = false;
aIsMoving = false;
bIsMoving = false; // If there's a click event, bind after a few miliseconds.
if (clickEvent) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
touchedElement.bind("click", clickEvent);
clickEvent = false;
}, 50);
} // Trigger a event passing a result object with
// aSpeed & bSpeed from 1 to 5, aX / aY & bX / bY movement amount in pixels,
// and the source element.
function triggerEvent(zoomEvent, result) {
if (zoomEvent) {
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) { $(this).bind("touchstart", onMultiTouchStart);
$(this).bind("touchend", onTouchEnd);
}); return this;
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