Busybox is a package that replaces a dozen standard packages, but it is not by itself a complete bootable system. Building an entire Linux distribution from source is a bit beyond the scope of this FAQ, but it understandably keeps cropping up on the mailing list, so here are some pointers.
Start by learning how to strip a working system down to the bare essentials needed to run one or two commands, so you know what it is you actually need. An excellent practical place to do this is the Linux BootDisk Howto, or for a more theoretical approach try From PowerUp to Bash Prompt.
To learn how to build a working Linux system entirely from source code, the place to go is the Linux From Scratch project. They have an entire book of step-by-step instructions you can read online or download. Be sure to check out the other sections of their main page, including Beyond Linux From Scratch, Hardened Linux From Scratch, their Hints directory, and their LiveCD project. (They also have mailing lists which are better sources of answers to Linux-system building questions than the Busybox list.)
If you want an automated yet customizable system builder which produces a Busybox and uClibc based system, try buildroot, which is another project by the maintainer of the uClibc (Erik Andersen). Download the tarball, extract it, unset CC, make. For more instructions, see the website.
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unit Unit4; )); )); )); //将Obj转为接口 //LInf1 := ITest(Pointer(LObj1)); //无法转换了,丢失了接口信息 ...
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<%-- login.jsp Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: Administrator Date: 2016/10/6 Time: 16:26 To chang ...