
Cracked by Twisted89

1. If you have previously installed UnityVS uninstall it now, run ccleaner to remove any left over files & registry keys and reboot.
2. Run UnityVS 2012.msi to install UnityVS
3. Run "make Dir.bat" as ADMINISTRATOR, if you see any errors then make sure you have admin rights and run it again. 
4. Right click "copy rhino.bat" and choose edit to open it in notepad
5. replace PATH_TO_THIS_DIRECTORY with the directory which you extracted the .bat and "Rhino.Licensing.dll" to. You should end up with something that looks like this 'copy "D:\extracted\Rhino.Licensing.dll" "%SystemRoot%\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Rhino.Licensing\"'
6. Save the edit .bat and run it as ADMINISTRATOR, if you get any errors check the file again and make sure it saved correctly. 
7. Navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\SyntaxTree\UnityVS" and DELETE the "Rhino.Licensing.dll" File (it should ask you for admin rights to do this)
8. Now move (Cut & paste) the "log4net.dll" file from the current UnityVS Directory  to the Visual Studio IDE directory (Go up 3 Directories - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE")
9. Launch Visual Studio 2012 (If you get any errors from visual studio at this point or after make sure you've followed every step correctly, if you have uninstall UnityVs, uninstall visual studio 2012, run ccleaner for both temp files and the registry then
reboot and start again)
10. It should now prompt you for your key, open up the key.txt extracted earlier and copy the contents into the box, it should now enable the OK button, click that and you're done!



2.运行UnityVS 2012.msi

3.以管理员身份运行make Dir.bat

4.右击copy rhino.bat,编辑它

5.把 "E:\Backups\UnityvsV1.2\Rhino.Licensing.dll" 中的路径改成你放置UnityVS 2012的位置,然后保存退出

6.以管理员身份运行copy rhino.bat

7.到 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\SyntaxTree\UnityVS 目录下删除Rhino.Licensing.dll

8.在 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\SyntaxTree\UnityVS找到log4net.dll,剪切它放到C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE



最后打开unity,点击assets——import package——Unity vs 2012

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