HP StorageWorks MSL2024 Tape Libraries - Tape library Error Codes
Main error codes |
Error Code |
Description |
Details and Solution |
80 |
Can not initialize bar code reader |
Power-cycle the unit and retry the operation |
81 |
No response from bar code reader |
82 |
No response from EEPROM on robotic controller |
83 |
Robotic controller generic problem |
84 |
Setting of gripper motor parameters failed NOTE: Gripper is the part of the robotics assembly that pinches media in order to grip it. |
85 |
Setting of slider motor parameters failed NOTE: Slider is the part of the robotics assembly that plunges in and out for get and put operations. |
86 |
Setting of elevator motor parameters failed NOTE: Elevator is the part of the robotics assembly that moves in the vertical direction. |
87 |
Setting of rotation motor parameters failed NOTE: Rotation is the part of the robotics assembly that turns the robot to face each magazine and the drive. |
88 |
Setting of sled motor parameters failed NOTE: Sled is the part of the robotics assembly that moves the robot towards the OCP or back towards the drive. |
89 |
Gripper obstructed NOTE: Gripper is the part of the robotics assembly that pinches media in order to grip it. |
Run the Wellness Test |
8A |
Slider obstructed NOTE: Slider is the part of the robotics assembly that plunges in and out for get and put operations. |
8B |
Elevator obstructed NOTE: Elevator is the part of the robotics assembly that moves in the vertical direction. |
8C |
Rotation obstructed NOTE: Rotation is the part of the robotics assembly that turns the robot to face each magazine and the drive. |
8D |
Sled obstructed NOTE: Sled is the part of the robotics assembly that moves the robot towards the OCP or back towards the drive. |
8E |
Ends of gripper movement not in expected range NOTE: Gripper is the part of the robotics assembly that pinches media in order to grip it. |
8F |
Ends of slider movement not in expected range NOTE: Slider is the part of the robotics assembly that plunges in and out for get and put operations. |
90 |
Ends of elevator movement not in expected range NOTE: Elevator is the part of the robotics assembly that moves in the vertical direction. |
91 |
Ends of rotation movement not in expected range NOTE: Rotation is the part of the robotics assembly that turns the robot to face each magazine and the drive. |
92 |
Ends of sled movement not in expected range NOTE: Sled is the part of the robotics assembly that moves the robot towards the OCP or back towards the drive. |
93 |
Gripper reached a position beyond expected range NOTE: Gripper is the part of the robotics assembly that pinches media in order to grip it. |
94 |
Slider reached a position beyond expected range NOTE: Slider is the part of the robotics assembly that plunges in and out for get and put operations. |
95 |
Elevator reached a position beyond expected range NOTE: Elevator is the part of the robotics assembly that moves in the vertical direction. |
96 |
Rotation reached a position beyond expected range NOTE: Rotation is the part of the robotics assembly that turns the robot to face each magazine and the drive. |
97 |
Sled reached a position beyond expected range NOTE: Sled is the part of the robotics assembly that moves the robot towards the OCP or back towards the drive. |
98 |
Cartridge present sensor not found |
99 |
Slider home sensor not found NOTE: Slider is the part of the robotics assembly that plunges in and out for get and put operations. |
9A |
Rotation home sensor not found NOTE: Rotation is the part of the robotics assembly that turns the robot to face each magazine and the drive. |
9B |
Sled position sensor not found NOTE: Sled is the part of the robotics assembly that moves the robot towards the OCP or back towards the drive. |
9C |
Gripper range of motion out of specification NOTE: Gripper is the part of the robotics assembly that pinches media in order to grip it. |
9D |
Slider range of motion out of specification NOTE: Slider is the part of the robotics assembly that plunges in and out for get and put operations. |
9E |
Elevator range of motion out of specification NOTE: Elevator is the part of the robotics assembly that moves in the vertical direction. |
9F |
Rotation range of motion out of specification NOTE: Rotation is the part of the robotics assembly that turns the robot to face each magazine and the drive. |
A0 |
Sled range of motion out of specification NOTE: Sled is the part of the robotics assembly that moves the robot towards the OCP or back towards the drive. |
A1 |
Open Mail Slot failed |
B0 |
Command from library controller to robotics controller didn't complete in time allotted |
B1 |
Robot controller reported format error on command from library controller |
B2 |
Communication to robot from library controller failed |
B3 |
Robot stopped due to a released magazine |
B4 |
Tape in gripper sensor did not report the expected value NOTE: Gripper is the part of the robotics assembly that pinches media in order to grip it. |
B5 |
Robotic controller not responding to command from library controller |
C0 |
Network initialization failed |
Check network cable,
C1 |
Telnet interface initialization failed |
C2 |
Web server initialization failed |
C6 |
Ping command did not reach target |
C7 |
Cannot upgrade firmware from USB |
D0 |
ROM checksum incorrect |
Retry firmware upgrade |
D1 |
RAM error during Power-On-Self-Test |
Power-cycle the unit |
D2 |
Read or Write to NVRAM on library controller failed |
D3 |
Time controller failed during Power-On-Self-Test |
D4 |
Internal UART serial communication error |
D5 |
Communication to display failed |
D6 |
Library controller memory error |
D7 |
Fatal system error |
D8 |
Library controller data base error |
D9 |
No SCSI IC detected |
DA |
In Wellness Test the bar code read did not match the previous value for that tape |
DB |
External cooling fan error. sub-code indicates which fan is affected. sub-code 00: drive sled #1, NOTE: Sled is the part of the robotics assembly that moves the robot towards the OCP or back towards the drive. |
Check if the fan is operational and not obstructed |
F0 |
Drive exceeded temperature specification |
Check ambient temperature conditions and fans |
F1 |
Library controller lost communication with the drive |
Re-seat the tape drive |
F2 |
Drive sled5 not present |
F3 error |
Drive hardware |
F4 |
Time allotted for drive loading exceeded |
F5 |
Time allotted for drive unloading exceeded |
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