Valid Anagram
- class Solution {
- public:
- bool isAnagram(string s, string t) {
- if(t=="") return s=="";
- map<char,int> m_s;
- map<char,int> m_t;
- int i=;
- while(i<t.length()){
- if(m_t.find(t[i]) != m_t.end()) m_t[t[i]]++;
- else m_t.insert(pair<char,int>(t[i],));
- i++;
- }
- i=;
- while(i<s.length()){
- if(m_s.find(s[i]) != m_s.end()) m_s[s[i]]++;
- else m_s.insert(pair<char,int>(s[i],));
- i++;
- }
- map<char,int >::iterator it;
- for(it=m_s.begin();it!=m_s.end();it++){ //s belong t
- if(m_t[it->first] != it->second)
- {return false;}
- }
- for(it=m_t.begin();it!=m_t.end();it++){ //t belong s
- if(m_s[it->first] != it->second)
- {return false;}
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
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