



    IRedisTypedClient<T> As<T>();



方法 说明
Delete 根据实体删除一条记录
DeleteAll 全部删除
DeleteById 根据Id删除一条记录
DeleteByIds 根据输入的多个Id删除多条记录
GetAll 获取所有该类型的记录
GetById 根据Id获取一条记录
GetByIds 根据输入的多个Id获取多条记录
Store 根据传入的实体,添加一条记录
StoreAll 根据传入的实体集合,添加多条记录


public ActionResult Index()
Person p1 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "刘备" };
Person p2 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "关羽" };
Person p3 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "张飞" };
Person p4 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "曹操" };
Person p5 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "典韦" };
Person p6 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "郭嘉" };
List<Person> ListPerson = new List<Person>() { p2,p3,p4,p5,p6 }; using (IRedisClient RClient = prcm.GetClient())
IRedisTypedClient<Person> IRPerson = RClient.As<Person>();
IRPerson.DeleteAll(); //------------------------------------------添加-------------------------------------------- //添加单条数据
IRPerson.StoreAll(ListPerson); //------------------------------------------查询-------------------------------------------- //Linq支持
Response.Write(IRPerson.GetAll().Where(m => m.Id == ).First().Name); //刘备
Response.Write(IRPerson.GetAll().First(m => m.Id == ).Name); //关羽          //------------------------------------------删除-------------------------------------------- IRPerson.Delete(p1); //删除 刘备
Response.Write(IRPerson.GetAll().Count()); //
IRPerson.DeleteById(); //删除 关羽
Response.Write(IRPerson.GetAll().Count()); //
IRPerson.DeleteByIds(new List<int> { , }); //删除张飞 曹操
Response.Write(IRPerson.GetAll().Count()); //
IRPerson.DeleteAll(); //全部删除
Response.Write(IRPerson.GetAll().Count()); //
} return Content("");


public ActionResult Index()
PooledRedisClientManager prcm = new PooledRedisClientManager(new List<string>() { "" }, new List<string>() { "" }, RedisConfig); Person p1 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "刘备" };
Person p2 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "关羽" };
Person p3 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "张飞" };
Person p4 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "曹操" };
Person p5 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "典韦" };
Person p6 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "郭嘉" };
List<Person> ListPerson = new List<Person>() { p2,p3,p4,p5,p6 }; using (IRedisClient RClient = prcm.GetClient())
IRedisTypedClient<Person> IRPerson = RClient.As<Person>();
IRPerson.StoreAll(ListPerson); //读取所有的Key
List<string> ListKeys = IRPerson.GetAllKeys();
foreach (string key in ListKeys)
Response.Write(key + "<br/>");
} //修改的话只能通过Key修改
Person p7 = new Person() { Id = , Name = "撼地神牛" };
RClient.Set("urn:person:1", p7);
Response.Write(IRPerson.GetAll().First(m => m.Id == ).Name); //输出 撼地神牛
} return Content("");

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