





hive> desc sight;
area string None
city string None
country string None
county string None
id string None
name string None
region string None


hive> desc order_sight;
create_time string None
id string None
order_id string None
sight_id bigint None


3.1 where条件


hive> select s.id,o.order_id from sight s left join order_sight o on o.sight_id=s.id where s.id= and o.create_time = '2015-10-10';
Total MapReduce jobs =
Launching Job out of
Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size:
In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
In order to set a constant number of reducers:
set mapred.reduce.tasks=<number>
Starting Job = job_1434099279301_3562174, Tracking URL = http://l-hdpm4.data.cn5.qunar.com:9981/proxy/application_1434099279301_3562174/
Kill Command = /home/q/hadoop/hadoop-2.2./bin/hadoop job -kill job_1434099279301_3562174
Hadoop job information for Stage-: number of mappers: ; number of reducers:
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 4.73 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 4.73 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.87 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 15.22 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 15.22 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 15.22 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 15.3 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 15.3 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 15.3 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 21.85 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 21.85 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 21.85 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 21.85 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 37.62 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.06 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.06 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.17 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.17 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.17 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.25 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.25 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.25 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.32 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.32 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.32 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 38.41 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 49.13 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 49.59 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 49.76 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 49.76 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 52.79 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 52.79 sec
MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: seconds msec
Ended Job = job_1434099279301_3562174
MapReduce Jobs Launched:
Job : Map: Reduce: Cumulative CPU: 52.79 sec HDFS Read: HDFS Write: SUCCESS
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: seconds msec
OK Time taken: 52.068 seconds, Fetched: row(s)


hive> select s.id,o.order_id from sight s left join (select order_id,sight_id from order_sight where create_time = '2015-10-10') o on o.sight_id=s.id where s.id=;
Total MapReduce jobs =
Launching Job out of
Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size:
In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
In order to set a constant number of reducers:
set mapred.reduce.tasks=<number>
Starting Job = job_1434099279301_3562218, Tracking URL = http://l-hdpm4.data.cn5.qunar.com:9981/proxy/application_1434099279301_3562218/
Kill Command = /home/q/hadoop/hadoop-2.2./bin/hadoop job -kill job_1434099279301_3562218
Hadoop job information for Stage-: number of mappers: ; number of reducers:
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 2.24 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 2.24 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 2.24 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 5.53 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 5.53 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 14.62 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 18.66 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 18.66 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 18.66 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 18.66 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 18.66 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.09 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.09 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.09 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.22 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.22 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.22 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.35 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.35 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.35 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.54 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.54 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.54 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.64 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.64 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 19.64 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 23.32 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 27.27 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 32.82 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 34.35 sec
-- ::, Stage- map = %, reduce = %, Cumulative CPU 34.35 sec
MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: seconds msec
Ended Job = job_1434099279301_3562218
MapReduce Jobs Launched:
Job : Map: Reduce: Cumulative CPU: 34.35 sec HDFS Read: HDFS Write: SUCCESS
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: seconds msec
OK Time taken: 43.709 seconds, Fetched: row(s)





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