We can use named grid lines to describe our grid layout. Let’s see how to apply this to our grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, and how to refer to these from our grid items.

Syntax like:

[left-sidebar-start] 1fr
[main-content-start] 2fr
[right-sidebar-start] 1fr;

We can name those whatever we want to.

You can also give multi names for one line:

[left-sidebar-start] 1fr
[left-sidebar-end main-content-start] 2fr
[main-content-end right-sidebar-start] 1fr

And we also named the last columns name as 'right-sidebar-end'.

Later we can contorl the position like this:

[body-start] 6fr
[body-end footer-start] 2fr

The same for the rows:

[body-start] 6fr
[body-end footer-start] 2fr

So for four column lines: 

 --> left-sidebar-start

 --> left-sidebar-end, main-content-start

 --> main-content-end, right-sidebar-start

 --> right-sidebar-end

For three row lines:

 --> body-start

 --> body-end, footer-start

 --> footer-end

For more information, check the article

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