Coursera Algorithms week3 快速排序 练习测验: Nuts and bolts
Nuts and bolts. A disorganized carpenter has a mixed pile of n nuts and n bolts. The goal is to find the corresponding pairs of nuts and bolts. Each nut fits exactly one bolt and each bolt fits exactly one nut. By fitting a nut and a bolt together, the carpenter can see which one is bigger (but the carpenter cannot compare two nuts or two bolts directly). Design an algorithm for the problem that uses nlogn compares (probabilistically).
1. 螺帽和螺钉的配对怎么判断?
2. 为什么不能通过把螺帽和螺钉分别排序,然后对应位置一一配对的方式进行设计?
3. 既然不能分别排序,那采用把螺帽和螺钉混在一起排序的方式如何?
a. 现将螺帽进行快速排序,复杂度nlogn
b. 逐个遍历螺钉组中的每个螺钉,在已排序的螺帽中,采用二分查找的方法查找其配对的螺帽。比较次数nlogn,满足题目要求
package week3;
* 螺帽和螺钉共有父类
* @author evasean
public class NBParent {
public NBParent(int size){
this.size = size;
private int size;
public int getSize() {
return size;
public void setSize(int size) {
this.size = size;
package week3;
* 螺帽类
* @author evasean
public class Nut extends NBParent{
public Nut(int size){
package week3;
* 螺钉类
* @author evasean
public class Bolt extends NBParent{
public Bolt(int size){
package week3; import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom;
* 螺帽类
* @author evasean
public class NutsAndBolts {
Map<Nut, Bolt> pairs = new HashMap<Nut, Bolt>(); // 存储配对的螺帽和螺丝对
Nut[] nuts;
Bolt[] bolts;
int n; public NutsAndBolts(Nut[] nuts, Bolt[] bolts, int n) {
this.nuts = nuts;
this.bolts = bolts;
this.n = n;
} private int compare(NBParent v, NBParent w) {
int vsize = v.getSize();
int wsize = w.getSize();
if (vsize == wsize) return 0;
else if (vsize > wsize) return 1;
else return -1;
private void exch(NBParent[] nb, int i, int j){
NBParent t = nb[i];
} public Map<Nut, Bolt> findPairs() {
sort(bolts,0,n-1); //先对bolts进行快速排序
for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){ //遍历nuts,并在bolts中寻找其成对的bolt
Nut nut = nuts[i];
Bolt bolt= findBolt(nut);
if(bolt != null)
pairs.put(nut, bolt);
return pairs;
private Bolt findBolt(Nut nut){ //在排好序的bolts中二分查找nut
int lo = 0;
int hi = n-1;
int mid = lo+(hi-lo)/2;
int cr = compare(bolts[mid],nut);
if(cr<0) lo = mid+1;
else if(cr>0) hi = mid-1;
else return bolts[mid];
return null;
private void sort(NBParent[] nb, int lo, int hi){
if(hi<=lo) return;
int j = partition(nb,lo,hi);
} private int partition(NBParent[] nb, int lo, int hi){
int i = lo;
int j = hi+1;
NBParent v = nb[lo];
while(compare(nb[++i],v)<0) if(i==hi) break;
while(compare(nb[--j],v)>0) if(j==lo) break;
if(i>=j) break;
return j;
} public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 10;
Nut[] nuts = new Nut[n];
Bolt[] bolts = new Bolt[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
Nut nut = new Nut(i + 1);
nuts[i] = nut;
Bolt bolt = new Bolt(i + 2);
bolts[i] = bolt;
nuts[n-1] = new Nut(13);//nuts的size分别为{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13}
bolts[n-1] = new Bolt(1);//bolts的size分别是{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1}
NutsAndBolts nb = new NutsAndBolts(nuts, bolts, n);
Map<Nut, Bolt> pairs = nb.findPairs();
Iterator<Entry<Nut, Bolt>> iter = pairs.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<Nut, Bolt> e =;
Nut nut = e.getKey();
Bolt bolt = e.getValue();
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