1.找到pycharm 目录下的 \helper\packaging_tool.py 文件
2.用新版pycharm 的packaging_tool.py 替换 旧版 同名文件
import sys
import traceback
import getopt
import os
os.putenv("PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV", "false")
def exit(retcode):
    major, minor, micro, release, serial = sys.version_info
    version = major * 10 + minor
    if version < 25:
        import os
def usage():
    sys.stderr.write('Usage: packaging_tool.py <list|install|uninstall|pyvenv>\n')
def error(message, retcode):
    sys.stderr.write('Error: %s\n' % message)
def error_no_pip():
    type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
    if tb is not None and tb.tb_next is None:
        error("Python packaging tool 'pip' not found", ERROR_NO_PIP)
        error(traceback.format_exc(), ERROR_EXCEPTION)
def do_list():
        import pkg_resources
    except ImportError:
        error("Python packaging tool 'setuptools' not found", ERROR_NO_SETUPTOOLS)
    for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set:
            requirements = pkg.requires()
        except Exception:
            requirements = []
        requires = ':'.join([str(x) for x in requirements])
        sys.stdout.write('\t'.join([pkg.project_name, pkg.version, pkg.location, requires])+chr(10))
def do_install(pkgs):  
    return pip_main(['install'] + pkgs)
def do_uninstall(pkgs):
    return pip_main(['uninstall', '-y'] + pkgs)
def pip_main(args):
        import pip
    except ImportError:
        func = pip.main
    except AttributeError:
        from pip._internal import main as func
def do_pyvenv(path, system_site_packages):
        import venv
    except ImportError:
        error("Standard Python 'venv' module not found", ERROR_EXCEPTION)
    # In Python >= 3.4 venv.create() has a new parameter with_pip=False
    # that allows to automatically install setuptools and pip with the module
    # ensurepip. Unfortunately, we cannot use this parameter and have to
    # bootstrap these packages ourselves, since some distributions of CPython
    # on Ubuntu don't include ensurepip.
    venv.create(path, system_site_packages=system_site_packages)
def do_untar(name):
    import tempfile
    directory_name = tempfile.mkdtemp("pycharm-management")
    import tarfile
    tar = tarfile.open(name)
    for item in tar:
        tar.extract(item, directory_name)
    return 0
def mkdtemp_ifneeded():
        ind = sys.argv.index('--build-dir')
        if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[ind + 1]):
            import tempfile
            sys.argv[ind + 1] = tempfile.mkdtemp('pycharm-packaging')
            return sys.argv[ind + 1]
    return None
def main():
        # As a workaround for #885 in setuptools, don't expose other helpers
        # in sys.path so as not no confuse it with possible combination of
        # namespace/ordinary packages
    except ValueError:
    retcode = 0
        if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        cmd = sys.argv[1]
        if cmd == 'list':
            if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        elif cmd == 'install':
            if len(sys.argv) < 2:
            rmdir = mkdtemp_ifneeded()
            pkgs = sys.argv[2:]
            retcode = do_install(pkgs)
            if rmdir is not None:
                import shutil
        elif cmd == 'untar':
            if len(sys.argv) < 2:
            name = sys.argv[2]
            retcode = do_untar(name)
        elif cmd == 'uninstall':
            if len(sys.argv) < 2:
            pkgs = sys.argv[2:]
            retcode = do_uninstall(pkgs)
        elif cmd == 'pyvenv':
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], '', ['system-site-packages'])
            if len(args) != 1:
            path = args[0]
            system_site_packages = False
            for opt, arg in opts:
                if opt == '--system-site-packages':
                    system_site_packages = True
            do_pyvenv(path, system_site_packages)
    except Exception:
if __name__ == '__main__':

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