It can be painful to write the same function repeatedly with different types. Typescript generics allow us to write 1 function and maintain whatever type(s) our function is given. This lesson covers syntax and a basic use case for Typescript generics.

We have a reusable function that pushes something into a collection, and then console logs the collection. We have two objects, and two arrays. We can just call the function with anything an array,

function pushSomethingIntoCollection(something, collection) {
} let jeanGrey = { name: "Jean Grey" };
let wolverine = { name: "Wolverine" }; let superHeroes = [jeanGrey];
let powers = ["telekinesis", "esp"]; pushSomethingIntoCollection("cool", superHeroes);
pushSomethingIntoCollection("adamantium claws", []);

but we're human and we make errors. What we want is to make sure we're pushing the right something, into the right array.

We can use a generic to tell the compiler, we're going to be using a specific type, but we're not going to tell you what that type is until the function is called. This is what a generic looks like. It doesn't matter what's between the angle brackets, as long as it makes sense to you.

function pushSomethingIntoCollection<T>(something: T, collection: T[]) 

Now if we do:

pushSomethingIntoCollection("meh", superHeroes);

IDE will show us error, because 'something: T' is string type, then collection should be array to string type.

But 'superHeros' is array of object type.

interface SuperHero {name: string;}

pushSomethingIntoCollection<SuperHero>("meh", superHeroes); //Error
pushSomethingIntoCollection<string>("adamantium claws", []); //OK

We can provide interface to tell IDE what generice type should be. So IDE can help to catch error.

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