1. App Extension Programming Guide
2.LocalAuthentication.framework - Touch ID Authentication
3.Local Authentication Framework Reference.
cinematic results in the captured video.
to capture still pictures at a higher resolution.
A new property (autoFocusSystem) can be used to determine how the camera performs auto focusing.
Metal provides extremely low-overhead access to the A7 and A8 GPUs, enabling extremely high performance for your sophisticated graphics rendering and computational tasks.
10.AV Audio Engine
AVFoundation framework (AVFoundation.framework) adds support for a broad cross-section of audio functionality
at a higher level of abstraction than Core Audio. These new audio capabilities are available on both OS X and iOS and include automatic access to audio input and output hardware, audio recording and playback, and audio file parsing and conversion. You also
gain access to audio units for generating special effects and filters, pitch and playback speed management, stereo and 3D audio environments, and MIDI instruments.
ES 2.0 and 3.0. The APPLE_texture_packed_float adds two new floating-point texture formats, R11F_G11F_B10F and
that the new texture formats can be used by a framebuffer object. This means that an app can render into a framebuffer that uses one of these formats.
12.HealthKit Framework
HealthKit (HealthKit.framework) is a new framework for managing a user’s health-related information.
for specific fitness-tracking devices. The user decides which data should be shared with your app. Once data is shared with your app, your app can register to be notified when that data changes; you have fine-grained control over when your app is notified.
For example, request that your app be notified whenever users takes their blood pressure, or be notified only when a measurement shows that the user’s blood pressure is too high.
HomeKit (HomeKit.framework) is a new framework for communicating with
and controlling connected devices in a user’s home. New devices for the home are offering more connectivity and a better user experience. HomeKit provides a standardized way to communicate with those devices.
Use the HomeKit Accessory Simulator to test the communication of your HomeKit app with a device. For more information, see HomeKit Framework
Reference .
15.Document Picker
The document picker view controller (UIDocumentPickerViewController)
grants users access to files outside your application’s sandbox .For more information, see the Document Picker Programming Guide .
same activity on the other device.
On the iPhone 6 Plus, apps should also be prepared to support a new screen scale.To let the system know that your app supports the iPhone 6 screen sizes, include a storyboard launch screen file in
your app’s bundle.
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