import urllib
from urllib import request, parse
from lxml import etree

class CarModel:

    def __init__(self, search_name='车模', search_page=50, begin_page=1): = search_name
        self.url = ''
        self.search_page = search_page
        self.begin_page = begin_page
        self.tie_ba_list = []
        self.number = 0
        self.header = {'User_agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36'}

    def download_img(self, link, page_num, index01, index02):
        img_ = urllib.request.Request(link)
        respos = urllib.request.urlopen(img_)
        img_data =
        file = open('../image/{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg'.format(page_num, index01, index02), 'wb')

    def find_image(self, link, page_num, index01):
        requests = urllib.request.Request(headers=self.header, url=link)
        responses = urllib.request.urlopen(requests)
        html =     # 获取html信息
        new_html = etree.HTML(html)     # 将html转换
        image_link = new_html.xpath('//img[@class="BDE_Image"]/@src')   # xpath进行信息抽取
        tmp_num = 0
        for i in image_link:
            tmp_num += 1    # 进行图片编号
            self.download_img(i, page_num, index01, tmp_num)

    def find_link(self, link, page_num):
        requests = urllib.request.Request(headers=self.header, url=link)
        responses = urllib.request.urlopen(requests)
        html ='utf-8')
        new_html = etree.HTML(html)
        # 寻找图片超链接
        link_list = new_html.xpath('//div[@class="threadlist_lz clearfix"]/div/a/@href')
        tmp_num = 0
        for i in link_list:
            tmp_num += 1
            tmp_link = '{0}'.format(i)
            self.find_image(tmp_link, page_num, tmp_num)

    def begin(self):
        for i in range(self.begin_page, self.search_page+1):
            tmp_pn = (i-1)*50
            words_01 = {'kw':}
            words_02 = {'pn': tmp_pn}
            words_01 = urllib.parse.urlencode(words_01)
            words_02 = urllib.parse.urlencode(words_02)
            tmp_url ='{0}{1}&ie=utf-8&{2}'.format(self.url, words_01, words_02)
            self.find_link(tmp_url, tmp_pn/50)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    car = CarModel()



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