

1. ios::fmtflags


field member constant effect when set
independent flags boolalpha read/write bool elements as alphabetic strings (true and false).
showbase write integral values preceded by their corresponding numeric base prefix.
showpoint write floating-point values including always the decimal point.
showpos write non-negative numerical values preceded by a plus sign (+).
skipws skip leading whitespaces on certain input operations.
unitbuf flush output after each inserting operation.
uppercase write uppercase letters replacing lowercase letters in certain insertion operations.
numerical base 
dec read/write integral values using decimal base format.
hex read/write integral values using hexadecimal base format.
oct read/write integral values using octal base format.
float format 
fixed write floating point values in fixed-point notation.
scientific write floating-point values in scientific notation.
internal the output is padded to the field width by inserting fill characters at a specified internal point.
left the output is padded to the field width appending fill characters at the end.
right the output is padded to the field width by inserting fill characters at the beginning.

2. ios_base::iostate

flag value indicates
eofbit End-Of-File reached while performing an extracting operation on an input stream.
failbit The last input operation failed because of an error related to the internal logic of the operation itself.
badbit Error due to the failure of an input/output operation on the stream buffer.
goodbit No error. Represents the absence of all the above (the value zero).

3. 其他:sentry、event、event_callback、failure、Init、openmode、seekdir


1. gcount:streamsize gcount() const;


  1. char str[20];
  2. std::cout << "Please, enter a word: ";
  3. std::cin.getline(str,20);
  4. std::cout << std::cin.gcount() << " characters read: " << str << '\n';
  1. Please, enter a word: simplify
  2. 9 characters read: simplify

2. get:int get();读取一个字符,通常用来排除换行符的影响

istream& get (char& c);读取一个字符到c中

istream& get (char* s, streamsize n);读取一个字符串,直到遇到换行符或者读取了n-1个字符,会自动在末尾添加字符'\0'

istream& get (char* s, streamsize n, char delim);读取一个字符串,直到遇到字符delim或者读取了n-1个字符,会自动在末尾添加字符'\0'


3. getline:istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n );读取一个字符串,直到遇到换行符或者读取了n个字符(换行符也会读取),并将换行符替换为'\0'

istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n, char delim );读取一个字符串,直到遇到字符delim或者读取了n个字符,并将换行符替换为'\0'

3. ignore:istream& ignore (streamsize n = 1, int delim = EOF);


  1. char first, last;
  2. std::cout << "Please, enter your first name followed by your surname: ";
  3. first = std::cin.get(); // get one character
  4. std::cin.ignore(256,' '); // ignore until space
  5. last = std::cin.get(); // get one character
  6. std::cout << "Your initials are " << first << last << '\n';


  1. Please, enter your first name followed by your surname: John Smith
  2. Your initials are JS

4. 其他:peek、read、readsome、putback、unget

5. tellg、seekg

6. sync:int sync();



1. put:ostream& put (char c);


2. 其他:write、tellp、seekp、flush




1. ios::good:bool good() const;


2. ios::eof:bool eof() const;


3. fail:bool fail() const;


4. bad:bool bad() const;


iostate value
(member constants)
indicates functions to check state flags
good() eof() fail() bad() rdstate()
goodbit No errors (zero value iostate) true false false false goodbit
eofbit End-of-File reached on input operation false true false false eofbit
failbit Logical error on i/o operation false false true false failbit
badbit Read/writing error on i/o operation false false true true badbit

5. ios::!操作


6. ios::clear:void clear (iostate state = goodbit);


7. ios::fill:char fill() const;返回填充字符

char fill (char fillch);用字符fillch进行填充,返回填充字符


  1. char prev;
  2. std::cout.width (10);
  3. std::cout << 40 << '\n';
  4. prev = std::cout.fill ('x');
  5. std::cout.width (10);
  6. std::cout << 40 << '\n';
  7. std::cout.fill(prev);


  1. 40
  2. xxxxxxxx40

8. 其他:rdstate、setstate、copyfmt、exceptions、imbue、tie、rdbuf、narrow、widen


1. flags:fmtflags flags() const;返回当前格式

fmtflags flags (fmtflags fmtfl);设置新的格式,返回之前的格式

  1. std::cout.flags ( std::ios::right | std::ios::hex | std::ios::showbase );
  2. std::cout.width (10);
  3. std::cout << 100 << '\n';

输出:      0x64

2. setf:fmtflags setf (fmtflags fmtfl);

fmtflags setf (fmtflags fmtfl, fmtflags mask);


  1. std::cout.setf ( std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield ); // set hex as the basefield
  2. std::cout.setf ( std::ios::showbase ); // activate showbase
  3. std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  4. std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::showbase ); // deactivate showbase
  5. std::cout << 100 << '\n';


  1. 0x64
  2. 64

3. unset:void unsetf (fmtflags mask);


4. precision:streamsize precision() const;返回当前的浮点精度(即小数点位数)

streamsize precision (streamsize prec);设置浮点精度,返回之前的浮点精度

5. width:streamsize width() const;返回当前域宽度

streamsize width (streamsize wide);设置域宽度,返回之前的域宽度

6. 其他:imbue、getloc、xalloc、iword、pword、register_callback、sync_with_stdio



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