PGI Compiler for OpenACC Output Syntax Highlighting
PGI Compiler for OpenACC Output Syntax Highlighting
When use the PGI compiler to compile codes with OpenACC clauses, there will be lots of outputs. To read it more clearly, you may want the syntax highlighting. But the original bash may not support it(except zsh, fish etc.). Thus, saving the outputs into a log file, and viewing it with source-highlight is a practical way.
- Under Linux, first we need source-highlight
sudo apt-get install source-highlight
- Then make alias as bcat in ~/.bashrc
alias bcat='source-highlight -s bash --out-format=esc -o STDOUT -i'
- Source your .bashrc file
source ~/.bashrc
- When compile the source code with PGI, you can save the outputs into a log file acc.log:
pgc++ -acc -Minfo=accel -ta=nvidia test.cpp > acc.log 2>&1
- Then use bcat command to view the outputs,
bcat acc.log
- and it will be colorful
feq(double, double, double, double):
34, Generating implicit acc routine seq
76, Generating update device(u[:][:][:],rho[:][:])
Generating present(f[:][:][:],F[:][:][:],rho[:][:],u[:][:][:],w[:],e[:][:])
Loop is parallelizable
78, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
Generating Tesla code
76, #pragma acc loop gang /* blockIdx.y */
78, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
83, Loop is parallelizable
101, Generating present(f[:][:][:],rho[:][:],u[:][:][:],w[:],e[:][:])
Loop is parallelizable
103, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
Generating Tesla code
101, #pragma acc loop gang /* blockIdx.y */
103, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
108, Loop is parallelizable
pygmentize -g is also an good option.
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