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-** 设置table只读 出现改写会抛出lua error
-- 用法 local cfg_proxy = read_only(cfg) retur cfg_proxy
-- 增加了防重置设置read_only的机制
-- lua5.3支持 1)table库支持调用元方法,所以table.remove table.insert 也会抛出错误,
-- 2)不用定义__ipairs 5.3 ipairs迭代器支持访问元方法__index,pairs迭代器next不支持故需要元方法__pairs
-- 低版本lua此函数不能完全按照预期工作
function read_only(inputTable)
local travelled_tables = {}
local function __read_only(tbl)
if not travelled_tables[tbl] then
local tbl_mt = getmetatable(tbl)
if not tbl_mt then
tbl_mt = {}
setmetatable(tbl, tbl_mt)
end local proxy = tbl_mt.__read_only_proxy
if not proxy then
proxy = {}
tbl_mt.__read_only_proxy = proxy
local proxy_mt = {
__index = tbl,
__newindex = function (t, k, v) error("error write to a read-only table with key = " .. tostring(k)) end,
__pairs = function (t) return pairs(tbl) end,
-- __ipairs = function (t) return ipairs(tbl) end, 5.3版本不需要此方法
__len = function (t) return #tbl end,
__read_only_proxy = proxy
setmetatable(proxy, proxy_mt)
travelled_tables[tbl] = proxy
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
if type(v) == "table" then
tbl[k] = __read_only(v)
return travelled_tables[tbl]
return __read_only(inputTable)


 local t0 = {k = }
local t2 = {
fdsf = {}
local t1 = {
a = {, },
b = {,ddss = , t2 = t2},
d = ,
e = "string",
t1.c=t1 local t3 = read_only(t1) print(t3.d, t3.c.e, t3.c.c.b.t2.fdsf)
function q1() t3.d = end
function q2() t3.c.d = end
function q3() t3.c.c.b.t2.fdsf = end
function q4() table.remove(t3.a) end
function q5() t3.b[ddss] = nil end
function q6() t3[f] = end
function q7() table.insert(t3.a, ) end print(pcall(q1))
for k,v in pairs(t3) do
print("===pairs t3:",k,v)
for k,v in pairs(t3.a) do
print("===pairs t3.a:",k,v)
for k,v in ipairs(t3) do
print("===ipairs t3:",k,v)
for k,v in ipairs(t3.a) do
print("===ipair t3.a",k,v)
print("len t3:",#t3)
print("len t3.a:", #t3.a) local t4 = read_only(t2) local t5 = read_only(t0)
local t6 = read_only(t0) print(t3.b.t2, read_only(t2))
print(t5, t6, t0)

测试环境https://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo  lua5.3.4:

    string    table: 0x20d4ba0
false input:: error write to a read-only table with key = d
false input:: error write to a read-only table with key = d
false input:: error write to a read-only table with key = fdsf
false input:: error write to a read-only table with key =
false input:: error write to a read-only table with key = nil
false input:: error write to a read-only table with key = nil
false input:: error write to a read-only table with key = ===pairs t3: e string
===pairs t3: b table: 0x20ccd60
===pairs t3: a table: 0x20d4e70
===pairs t3: d
===pairs t3: c table: 0x20ca700
===pairs t3.a:
===pairs t3.a:
===ipair t3.a
===ipair t3.a
len t3:
len t3.a:
table: 0x20d4870 table: 0x20d4870
table: 0x20d5690 table: 0x20d5690 table: 0x20d1140



__newindexThe indexing assignment table[key] = value. Like the index event, this event happens when table is not a table or when key is not present in table. The metamethod is looked up in table.

Like with indexing, the metamethod for this event can be either a function or a table. If it is a function, it is called with tablekey, and value as arguments. If it is a table, Lua does an indexing assignment to this table with the same key and value. (This assignment is regular, not raw, and therefore can trigger another metamethod.)

Whenever there is a __newindex metamethod, Lua does not perform the primitive assignment. (If necessary, the metamethod itself can call rawset to do the assignment.)



4.对于表查长度使用__len= function () return #tbl end

5.对于遍历pairs,查到lua5.3的pairs默认迭代器next不支持访问元表__index,故直接__pairs = function () return pairs(tbl) end,以此来生成对目标表的迭代遍历

6.对于ipairs,查到lua5.3 ipairs函数生成的迭代器默认就支持访问元表__index,故不需要添加__ipairs

8.2 – Changes in the Libraries

  • The ipairs iterator now respects metamethods and its __ipairs metamethod has been deprecated.

7.对于table.insert , table.remove不用特殊处理,lua5.3的table lib支持元表操作,故依然会抛错

8.2 – Changes in the Libraries

  • The Table library now respects metamethods for setting and getting elements.


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