/**********************************************************************//** Tries to extend a data file so that it would accommodate the number of pages given. The tablespace must be cached in the memory cache. If the space is big enough already, does nothing. @return TRUE if success */ UNIV_INTERN ibool fil_extend_space_to_desired_size( /*=============================*/ ulint* actual_size, /*!< out: size of the space after extension; if we ran out of disk space this may be lower than the desired size */ ulint space_id, /*!< in: space id */ ulint size_after_extend)/*!< in: desired size in pages after the extension; if the current space size is bigger than this already, the function does nothing */ { fil_node_t* node; fil_space_t* space; byte* buf2; byte* buf; ulint buf_size; ulint start_page_no; ulint file_start_page_no; ulint offset_high; ulint offset_low; ulint page_size; ibool success = TRUE; fil_mutex_enter_and_prepare_for_io(space_id); space = fil_space_get_by_id(space_id); ut_a(space); if (space->size >= size_after_extend) { /* Space already big enough */ *actual_size = space->size; mutex_exit(&fil_system->mutex); return(TRUE); } page_size = dict_table_flags_to_zip_size(space->flags); if (!page_size) { page_size = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; } node = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(space->chain); fil_node_prepare_for_io(node, fil_system, space); start_page_no = space->size; file_start_page_no = space->size - node->size; /* Extend at most 64 pages at a time */ buf_size = ut_min(, size_after_extend - start_page_no) * page_size; buf2 = mem_alloc(buf_size + page_size); buf = ut_align(buf2, page_size); memset(buf, , buf_size); while (start_page_no < size_after_extend) { ulint n_pages = ut_min(buf_size / page_size, size_after_extend - start_page_no); offset_high = (start_page_no - file_start_page_no) / ( * (( * ) / page_size)); offset_low = ((start_page_no - file_start_page_no) % ( * (( * ) / page_size))) * page_size; #ifdef UNIV_HOTBACKUP success = os_file_write(node->name, node->handle, buf, offset_low, offset_high, page_size * n_pages); #else success = os_aio(OS_FILE_WRITE, OS_AIO_SYNC, node->name, node->handle, buf, offset_low, offset_high, page_size * n_pages, NULL, NULL); #endif if (success) { node->size += n_pages; space->size += n_pages; os_has_said_disk_full = FALSE; } else { /* Let us measure the size of the file to determine how much we were able to extend it */ n_pages = ((ulint) (os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong( node->handle) / page_size)) - node->size; node->size += n_pages; space->size += n_pages; break; } start_page_no += n_pages; } mem_free(buf2); fil_node_complete_io(node, fil_system, OS_FILE_WRITE); *actual_size = space->size; #ifndef UNIV_HOTBACKUP ) { ulint pages_per_mb = ( * ) / page_size; /* Keep the last data file size info up to date, rounded to full megabytes */ srv_data_file_sizes[srv_n_data_files - ] = (node->size / pages_per_mb) * pages_per_mb; } #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */ /* printf("Extended %s to %lu, actual size %lu pages\n", space->name, size_after_extend, *actual_size); */ mutex_exit(&fil_system->mutex); fil_flush(space_id); return(success); }
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