


给出s = "the sky is blue",返回"blue is sky the"


  • 单词的构成:无空格字母构成一个单词
  • 输入字符串是否包括前导或者尾随空格?可以包括,但是反转后的字符不能包括
  • 如何处理两个单词间的多个空格?在反转字符串中间空格减少到只含一个






  1. public class Solution {
  2. /**
  3. * @param s : A string
  4. * @return : A string
  5. */
  6. public String reverseWords(String s) {
  7. // write your code
  8. if(s==null || s.length() == 0)
  9. return "";
  10. String[] array = s.split(" ");
  11. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  12. for(int i = array.length - 1;i>=0 ;--i){
  13. if(!array[i].equals("")){
  14. sb.append(array[i]).append(" ");
  15. }
  16. }
  17. return sb.length()==0?"":sb.substring(0,sb.length() - 1);
  18. }
  19. }

总耗时: 1929 ms



  1. class Solution:
  2. # @param s : A string
  3. # @return : A string
  4. def reverseWords(self, s):
  5. # write your code here
  6. begin = 0
  7. end = 0
  8. while end< len(s):
  9. if s[end] == ' ':
  10. self.swap(s,begin,end - 1)
  11. begin = end + 1
  12. end = begin
  13. else:
  14. end += 1
  15. # print s
  16. self.swap(s,begin,end - 1)
  17. # print s
  18. self.swap(s,0,len(s) - 1)
  19. # print s
  20. return s
  22. def swap(self,s,begin,end):
  23. while begin< end:
  24. tmp = s[begin]
  25. s[begin] = s[end]
  26. s[end] = tmp
  27. begin +=1
  28. end -=1


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