
The following error appears in the atlassian-confluence.log:

2011-03-16 18:20:03,021 ERROR [main] [net.sf.ehcache.Cache] <clinit> Unable to set localhost. This prevents creation of a GUID. Cause was: <hostname>: <hostname> <hostname>: <hostname>
    at net.sf.ehcache.Cache.<clinit>(


The local hostname (or COMPUTERNAME - Windows) that is running Confluence is not in the host file or is not resolvable via DNS lookup.


Change the local hostname (or COMPUTERNAME in Windows) that is running Confluence to match the host file, or enter the local hostname into the hosts file.


linux/unix environments


 We strongly recommend placing the hostname in the host file as fail-safe for DNS server failure.

Alternatively, make the hostname resolvable via DNS.

Eclipse Error: Unable to set localhost. This prevents creation of a GUID.的更多相关文章

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