[Angular2 Form] Create Radio Buttons for Angular 2 Forms
Using Radio Buttons in Angular 2 requires a basic understanding of forms as well as how their label
s will match up with each input. This lesson shows how to use *ngFor
with radio buttons and covers the quirks of the id
property and for
attributes as well as how to style validation of radio buttons.
<!-- Radio button-->
<form action="" name="myFom4" #myForm4="ngForm">
<div *ngFor="let location of locations">
<input type="radio"
<label [attr.for]="location">{{location}}</label>
{{myForm4.value | json}}
input.ng-invalid + label:after {
content: '<--Requried to selet one'
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; @Component({
selector: 'app-message',
templateUrl: './message.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./message.component.css']
export class MessageComponent implements OnInit { locations: Array<string>; constructor() {
} ngOnInit() {
this.locations = [
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