interface proto{
public function conn($url);
public function get();
public function post($num);
public function close();
class Http implements proto{
const CRLF="\r\n";
protected $response='';
protected $poststr='';
protected $errno=-1;
protected $errstr='';
protected $version='HTTP/1.1';
protected $fh=null;
protected $url=array();
protected $line=array();
protected $header=array();
protected $body=array(); public function __construct($url){
protected function setLine($method){
$this->line[0]=$method .' '.$this->url['path'] .' '.$this->version;
protected function setHeader(){
protected function setBody($body){
} //连接url
public function conn($url){
public function get(){
return $this->response;
public function post($body=array()){
$this->setLine('POST'); $this->header[]='content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
// print_r($this->header);
return $this->response;
} //真正的请求
public function request(){
// print_r($req);
//echo $req;exit();
fwrite($this->fh,$req); while(!feof($this->fh)){
$this->close(); }
public function close(){
} } //调试
$http=new Http($url);
// echo $http->get();
// print_r($http);
echo $http->post(array('username'=>'zhangsan','title'=>'试试发帖','content'=>'这是用http协议拼接数据发送的'));
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