man fdisk
fdisk - Partition table manipulator for Linux/Linux分区表操纵器
fdisk [-u] [-b sectorsize]/扇形尺寸 [-C cyls] [-H heads] [-S sects] device/设备
Hard disks can be divided into one or more logical disks called partitions. This division is described in the partition table found in sector 0 of the disk.
在BSD的世界里,我们谈论的是什么?.isk slices?.and a ?.isklabel?.
one will want a second Linux partition dedicated as swap partition. On Intel compatible hardware, the BIOS that boots the system can often only access the first
1024 cylinders of the disk. For this reason people with large disks often create a third partition, just a few MB large, typically mounted on /boot, to store the
kernel image and a few auxiliary files needed at boot time, so as to make sure that this stuff is accessible to the BIOS. There may be reasons of security, ease
of administration and backup, or testing, to use more than the minimum number of partitions.
BSD or SUN type disklabels.
fdisk盘不?。了解guid分区表(gpt),它不是为大分区设计的。在特定情况下,使用更高级的GNU parted(8)。
support ATA host controllers and devices) make a difference between IDE and SCSI disks. In such a case the device name will be /dev/hd* (IDE) or /dev/sd* (SCSI).
kernel documentation (the Documentation/devices.txt file).
sector (like a swap partition) at cylinder 0, since that will destroy the disklabel.
header?. The volume header will also cover the partition table, i.e., it starts at block zero and extends by default over five cylinders. The remaining space in
the volume header may be used by header directory entries. No partitions may overlap with the volume header. Also do not change its type and make some file sys-
tem on it, since you will lose the partition table. Use this type of label only when working with Linux on IRIX/SGI machines or IRIX/SGI disks under Linux.
An Irix/Sgi type disklabel can describe 16 partitions,the eleventh of which should be an entire?Olume?Partition,
while the ninth should be labeled?Olume Header?The Volume Header will also cover the Partition Table,I.E.,
it starts at block Zero and extends by default over five cylders.The remaining space in the volume header may be used by Header Directory Entries.
没有政党可以克服与卷头。Also do not change its type and make some file system on it,since you will lose the partition table.
使用这一类型的Label only when you working with Linux on Irix/SGI machines or IREX/SGI Disks under Linux.
these may be an extended partition; this is a box holding logical partitions, with descriptors found in a linked list of sectors, each preceding the corresponding
logical partitions. The four primary partitions, present or not, get numbers 1-4. Logical partitions start numbering from 5.
a Cylinders/Heads/Sectors triple (given in 10+8+6 bits). The former is OK - with 512-byte sectors this will work up to 2 TB. The latter has two different problems.
First of all, these C/H/S fields can be filled only when the number of heads and the number of sectors per track are known. Secondly, even if we know what these
numbers should be, the 24 bits that are available do not suffice. DOS uses C/H/S only, Windows uses both, Linux never uses C/H/S.
前者是正常的-512字节的扇区将工作高达2 TB。后者有两个不同的问题。首先,这些c/h/s字段只能在知道磁头数目和每条磁道的扇区数目时填写。
thing like a physical geometry, certainly not something that can be described in simplistic Cylinders/Heads/Sectors form), but is the disk geometry that MS-DOS
uses for the partition table.
systems, it is often a good idea to let an fdisk from another operating system make at least one partition. When Linux boots it looks at the partition table, and
tries to deduce what (fake) geometry is required for good cooperation with other systems.
start and end points are identical, and that the partition starts and ends on a cylinder boundary (except for the first partition).
cylinder 1 cannot begin on a cylinder boundary, but this is unlikely to cause difficulty unless you have OS/2 on your machine.
necessary to reboot after the use of fdisk. I do not think this is the case anymore - indeed, rebooting too quickly might cause loss of not-yet-written data. Note
that both the kernel and the disk hardware may buffer data.
在更新分区表后退出之前,将执行sync()和blkrrpart ioctl()(从磁盘重新读取分区表)。很久以前,在使用fdisk之后需要重新启动。
The DOS 6.x FORMAT command looks for some information in the first sector of the data area of the partition, and treats this information as more reliable than the
information in the partition table. DOS FORMAT expects DOS FDISK to clear the first 512 bytes of the data area of a partition whenever a size change occurs. DOS
FORMAT will look at this extra information even if the /U flag is given -- we consider this a bug in DOS FORMAT and DOS FDISK.
dos 6.x格式命令在分区的数据区域的第一个扇区中查找一些信息,并将这些信息视为比分区表中的信息更可靠的信息。DOS格式要求DOS fdisk在大小发生变化时清除分区数据区域的前512字节。
DOS格式将查看这些额外的信息,即使给出了/U标志——我们认为这是DOS格式和DOS fdisk中的一个错误。
before using DOS FORMAT to format the partition. For example, if you were using disk to make a DOS partition table entry for /dev/sda1, then (after exiting fdisk
and rebooting Linux so that the partition table information is valid) you would use the command "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=512 count=1" to zero the first 512
bytes of the partition.
那么(在退出fdisk并重新启动Linux以便分区表信息有效之后),您将使用命令“dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=512 count=1”将分区的前512个字节归零。
partitions with the Linux fdisk program.
为了获得最佳结果,您应该始终使用操作系统特定的分区表程序。例如,您应该使用dos fdisk程序进行dos分区,使用linux fdisk程序进行linux分区。
-b sectorsize
Specify the sector size of the disk. Valid values are 512, 1024, or 2048. (Recent kernels know the sector size. Use this only on old kernels or to override
the kernel?. ideas.)
Specify the number of cylinders of the disk. I have no idea why anybody would want to do so.
Specify the number of heads of the disk. (Not the physical number, of course, but the number used for partition tables.) Reasonable values are 255 and 16.
-H 型封头
Specify the number of sectors per track of the disk. (Not the physical number, of course, but the number used for partition tables.) A reasonable value is
-S 分支
指定磁盘每个磁道的扇区数。(当然不是物理数,而是用于分区表的数。)合理的值是 63。
-l 列出指定设备的分区表,然后退出。如果没有指定设备,则使用/proc/partitions(如果存在)中提到的设备。
-u 列出分区表时,以扇区而不是柱面给出大小。
The size of the partition (in blocks) is printed on the standard output.
-S 分区
-v 打印fdisk程序的版本号并退出。
There are several *fdisk programs around. Each has its problems and strengths. Try them in the order parted, fdisk, sfdisk.
mkfs(8), parted(8), sfdisk(8)
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