#coding:utf-8 ten_things = "apples oranges crows telephone light sugar"
print "wait there's not 10 things in that list,let's fix that" stuff = ten_things.split(' ') #10个东西,以' '间隔开
more_stuff = ["day","night","song","frisbee","corn","banana","girl","boy"] #更多的原料 while len(stuff) != 10: #取得List stuff的长度,当不等于10时循环
next_one = more_stuff.pop() #截取more_stuff的最后一个元素(默认值)
print "adding:",next_one #输出pop取得的值
stuff.append(next_one) #使用append将之前截取的值赋予list:stuff
print "there's %d items now" % len(stuff) print "there we go : ",stuff print "let's do some things with stuff" print stuff[1] #第二个元素,list从0计数
print stuff[-1] #whoa!fancy 最后一个元素(-1)
print stuff.pop()
print ' '.join(stuff) #what?cool!
print '#'.join(stuff[3:5]) # super stellar


 wait there's not 10 things in that list,let's fix that
adding: boy
there's 7 items now
adding: girl
there's 8 items now
adding: banana
there's 9 items now
adding: corn
there's 10 items now
there we go : ['apples', 'oranges', 'crows', 'telephone', 'light', 'sugar', 'boy', 'girl', 'banana', 'corn']
let's do some things with stuff
apples oranges crows telephone light sugar boy girl banana


加分题的一些参考: Python 面向对象编程 函数式编程

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