栈是一种线性数据结构,顺序可能是 LIFO(后进先出)或 FILO(先进先出)。




3、peek 或 top,返回堆栈顶部的元素

4、isEmpty,如果 stack 为空则返回 true,否则返回 false




push(),pop(),isEmpty() 和 peek() 都需要 O(1) 时间。我们不会在任何这些操作中运行任何循环。








// 栈的数组实现
// Created by ruby on 2019/1/17.
// #include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // 保存栈的数据结构
struct Stack {
int top;
int capacity;
int* array;
}; // 根据指定大小创建栈, 初始化大小为 0, 容量为 capacity
struct Stack* createStack(unsigned capacity) {
struct Stack* stack = (struct Stack*)malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
stack->top = -1;
stack->capacity = capacity;
stack->array = (int*)malloc(capacity * sizeof(int));
return stack;
} // 栈是否已满
int isFull(struct Stack* stack) {
return stack->top == stack->capacity - 1;
} // 栈是否为空
int isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return stack->top == -1;
} // 添加 item 到栈中
void push(struct Stack* stack, int item) {
if (isFull(stack)) {
printf("stack is full\n");
} stack->array[++stack->top] = item;
} // 从栈中弹出一个元素
int pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("stack is empty\n");
return -1;
} return stack->array[stack->top--];
} int main()
struct Stack* stack = createStack(100); push(stack, 10);
push(stack, 20);
push(stack, 30); printf("%d popped from stack\n", pop(stack)); return 0;





#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> struct StackNode {
int data;
struct StackNode* next;
}; struct StackNode* newNode(int data) {
struct StackNode* stackNode = (struct StackNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct StackNode));
stackNode->data = data;
stackNode->next = NULL;
return stackNode;
} int isEmpty(struct StackNode* root) {
return !root;
} void push(struct StackNode** root, int data) {
struct StackNode* stackNode = newNode(data);
stackNode->next = *root;
*root = stackNode;
printf("%d pushed to stack\n", data);
} int pop(struct StackNode** root) {
if (isEmpty(*root)) {
return INT_MIN;
struct StackNode* temp = *root;
*root = (*root)->next;
int popped = temp->data;
free(temp); return popped;
} int peek(struct StackNode* root) {
if (isEmpty(root))
return INT_MIN;
return root->data;
} int main()
struct StackNode* root = NULL; push(&root, 10);
push(&root, 20);
push(&root, 30); printf("%d popped from stack\n", pop(&root)); printf("Top element is %d\n", peek(root)); return 0;



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