

10. Laravel

This is perhaps one of the more popular PHP frameworks out there at his particular moment in time. This is a very powerful and elegant looking framework and it is easy to learn and use. Even if you are a beginner. This one is definitely worth giving a try. Moreover, this one just looks beautiful.

9. Flight

This is a simple, fast and extensible micro-framework and it enables you to easily and quickly build RESTful web applications. It is powerful and easy to learn at the same time.

8. Yii

Yii is a PHP framework that offers high performance in case you are looking to develop Web 2.0 applications. Yii comes with many rich features including MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching and authentication etc.

7. Medoo

This is perhaps the lightest PHP framework out there. It is a PHP database and it only consists of one file which is 10.0 kb in size. For small and simple applications, this is a brilliant choice.

6. PHPixie

This is meant for the Kohana framework and it is among one of the new favorites of people out there. It is MVC compliant, fast and easy to use and quite powerful.

5. CodeIgniter

This particular framework is quite old and probably reaching the end of its useful years. But this still is one framework you should definitely try before moving on to the others. Many people still prefer it in their projects. It is easy and powerful.

4. Kohana

This particular PHP framework is an open sourced project. This is an MVC web framework which was built using PHP5. It is a small but powerful framework, definitely worth your shot.

3. Symfony

This particular PHP framework was created in the year 2005 so you can safely say that it is quite old. Symfony is a very powerful MVC framework and if you consider the enterprise world, it is very popular too. There were many other web applications based on which Symfony was designed. For example Ruby on Rails, Django, and Spring. If you are looking for one of the most complete, easy, powerful, and elegant frameworks, you should definitely give this one a try.

2. Pop PHP

Generally speaking, PHP frameworks can sometimes be a pain to learn and use. They can be very complex, intense and over-whelming. This particular framework was built with all the experience levels in mind. It has a very manageable learning curve in order to help beginners get warmed up with the entire concept of PHP frameworks and how they work. If you are thinking this is an easy framework for beginners so it may not be very powerful, well, you will be very wrong. Pop PHP offers robust and powerful features for the more advanced PHP developers as well. Do give it a try and let us know what you think.

1. Phalcon

This is another open sourced PHP framework. It is a full stacked framework for PHP5 and was written as a C-Extension. It is optimized for extremely high-performance and it will not let you down at that. If you don’t know how to use the C language, do not worry, because you will not be needing that. The functionality is exposed as PHP classes which are ready for you to use.

This is the list we think should proof very useful to you. Let us know if we missed your PHP framework out or if you already have used one listed here. As always, your opinions and comments are always welcome.

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