All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.


If you don't dare to pursue what you are longing for, they only exist in your dreams and never come true.

If you have the courage to pursure them and take concrete actions to make them realized step by step, you will eventually get them.

In the process of pursuing dreams, please be patient, in most cases we can't make our dreams realized just in the first trying.

We can't find out the right solutions to those problems without several times of abortive attempts.

Some of us would totally give up trying after they had gone through one or more failures, and then we may have no chance to pursue our dreams.

However, some of us, still choose to keep fighting, we know any attempts would face false starts and mistakes, and if we can hold on to our dreams, no matter how hard the process would be, we will finally reach the destination, at least, close to it.

To build up our dreams or to witness others building up their achievements, it's all up to our own choices.

We have too many high-sounding words, and too few actions that corresponded with them.


From Abigail Adams.

Without actions and outcomes, high-sounding words may be nothing but jokes.

We must achieve some great deeds that can respond our great speeches well, that is, make our actions match our words.

If we don't make it, we may be considered to be someone who just has a glib tongue but an empty head.

It seems I have spent too much time on browsing promotion items of

That is very ridiculous.

If I can stop doing such time-wasting and poor-return things, then switch to those beneficial tasks, it may help me get rid of poverty, at least I can no longer worry about there isn't enough money to support my life.

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