Grown-ups work for things. Grown-ups pay. Grown-ups suffer consequences.


How to become a real man with mature characters?

Always hold some ambitions about the future, always strive for a better future to make everything beome as good as we have expected, always have the courage to accept the unfair reality.

Yes, bravely face up to the reality, confront the plight with stoicism and fortitude.

Actually, if we can work our ways out of those disruptive times, we would find those difficulities may not worth a mention.

No way is impossible to courage.

There are no such setbacks that we couldn't overcome, if there are, we can break them into small pieces and overcome those small one by one.

Write down the time-schedule for the current project, and check the progress according to the schedule and make sure our progress can match the timeline.

A man can do all things if he but wills them.


From Leon Battista Alberti.

These days I have been reading a thesis about deep learning in self-driving cars.

The thesis, End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars, is from Nvidia.

It introduces a solution to the sensors fusion and the had-map.

They trained a convolutional neural network to map raw pixels from a single front-facing camera directly to steering commands, and the result turned out to be very powerful.

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